I do finally know what's going on... albeit on the fourth day of the trip...
Here's the plan:
1. Leave PA on Monday-- Grandma, Mom, and I. (check)
2. Arrive in Phoenix on Thursday. (check)
3. Stay in Phoenix until Saturday (my mom works tonight and tomorrow).
4. Arrive in L.A. on Saturday.
5. Poke around L.A. on Sunday.
6. Move into new apartment Monday between 10am and 6pm. (Grandma leaves for her home in Florida early on Tuesday and mom goes back to work in Phoenix for Tuesday and Wednesday).
In L.A.:
-I have two roommates-- one has a single and the other shares a room with me.
-Lots of mandatory orientation business whatever.
-First internship interview on Wednesday (I'm not giving details because I don't want to be asked about anything until it's actually relevant to my life. I haven't even told my mom or grandma that I have an interview because of the questions... but it's kind of a lose-lose situation because I get the impression that they're worried about me getting an internship at all-- tough choice and I choose secrecy).
To sum up, I am in Arizona right now. Very phallic place (cacti). There is an orange tree right outside of the hotel. Plus, it is glorious and warm. It's like early June without any humidity. I feel like I cheated and got spring 5 months early.
We might go and see the Grand Canyon tomorrow but it's hard to say since we've been driving CONSTANTLY. Right now, all I want is to be alone and watch a movie. Maybe play the sims. But I'm glad we're done driving for now, although it wasn't as terrible as it seems it would be.
Avatar: HELLZ YEAH!!! It was like Fern Gully on crack, story-wise. Visually... amazing. SEE IT! See it before it's not in the theater anymore. 3-D mandatory. At first when I saw the avatar characters, I was like "meh... cool but not BRILLIANT" but as you go through the world, you're like "No more real people!!! Avatars only, please!!!!"
Also, I watched Shopgirl, Imaginary Heroes, Sense and Sensibility, and Romeo + Juliet before I left (stocking up for the likely movie-less trip). Brilliant all. Movies ripen with each viewing, in my opinion.
Lastly, I painted this for my mom for Christmas (but finished after Christmas) making it my first painting of 2010. I used my cell phone to take the picture of it so it's a little blurry. It's of my brother, sister, and me.

You should read these whilst living in LA. I think they're funny and maybe they'll give you a leg up on the culture.
Also, I think that painting is awesome.
Oops, those sites didn't copy right, here they are:
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