Monday, September 27, 2010

Money on the Mind

I'm not ready to talk about the work situation yet, which sucks because it makes me not want to talk to people that much. While the situation is no longer DIRE... it still mostly is...

Are we sure that flossing doesn't actually HURT your teeth? In a half-effort to compensate for probably never having dental coverage again, I started flossing everyday (in addition to the brushing and mouth washing-- I'm seemingly dental-tastic right now), but now I feel like my teeth hurt all the time. Lame.

I can't wait to have SOME money again. Today I spent money buying stuff to clean my bathroom and almost cried at the $12-ish bill. Also, I have to pay about $10 for gas every two days, which blows. ALTHOUGH Natalya informed me that she is paying $3 each way for the train in San Francisco so... there is really no getting around the high cost of commuting. Money sucks. I ALMOST spontaneously moved to San Francisco in an effort to save some money (long story), but for now it's not happening. But LUCKILY, no matter how tricky the situation gets, it's going to be cheaper for me to stay in California than it would be to beg my parents to let me go back home for a while... so that's good news.

All I think about is money so... let's press on to more money concerns:
1. I am very worried about my vehicle. I'm pretty sure that it is overdue for a checkup and since it was made in 1996, I'm concerned that it can't sail past a few checkups relying on it's youth to save it (the way that I am with my own health-- totally not worried even though everything I learned in health care sociology tells me that it's socially immoral to let your health go. That's right, I'm actually screwing the community).

1b. I also need to change my oil. Although I THINK it will be okay because I have about 50 miles to go until the 3000 mile mark, but I'm pretty sure you can wait until 4000 miles.

1c. Apparently you are supposed to get a smog check after 3 months of being in CA... but... I'm not going to concern myself with that yet, obviously. Bigger fish to fry (mmmm fried fish!).

I guess those are the only pertinent money problems, although I really want my netflix back, which I KNOW isn't a priority, but I just looked through my movies and I've watched nearly ALL of them in... a VERY short period of time. I also read book 6 and 7 of Harry Potter (inevitable) and Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk (good. Dark.) Now I'm reading Bridget Jones's Diary again because I'm on a reading role and I don't want to spoil it by starting LOTR and getting bored with all the description. I looked in to getting a library card, but I'm not sure I have a valid proof of address since the last mail I got was in July (when I figured out how to get my bank statements electronically) and my checks don't have my address on them (mystery).

In television news, True Blood ended last week which was a bummer but.. I think I'll survive. Especially since I've still got Weeds (Nancy is actually selling again, which is gold) AAAAAND The Office, 30 Rock, Parenthood and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia started again. I'll definitely survive. I also want to start watching The Event because of my commitment to Jason Ritter, although it doesn't seem like the kind of show I'd be drawn to. Plus, it would be prudent for me to watch Hellcats and Castle since my management company has an interest in them. We'll see. That's a lot of shows to be committed to.

Fortunately, no movies that peek my interest are out right now... except that Kiera Knightly one... and Easy A looks pretty cute. I wonder if it will be a great success and cause Amanda Bynes to rethink her retirement.

That is all. I expect to feel more positive in a week and a half (arbitrary time frame).


Claire said...

Flossing your teeth can sometimes lead to receding gums, and then the dentist has to shave off some skin from the roof of your mouth and stitch it onto your gums... but I think this is pretty rare. Still, it is my excuse for not flossing.

I really want to see Never Let Me Go (did you read the book? because it is great, though the movie previews kind of spoil the plot I think... though I'm not sure), and I saw Easy A yesterday which was very funny and cute. What I really want to see is Burlesque: Cher + Xtina Aguilera +Stanley Tucci. I'm not even sure if I'm being sarcastic or not about this.

And to make this comment stupid long, all the other movies I really want to see (and I know because I actually have all their release dates written on a calendar...): The Town, Howl, Wall Street 2, The Social Network, Let Me In, Hereafter, Welcome to the Rileys, 127 Hours, Morning Glory, Love and Other Drugs, Somewhere, and Blue Valentine. In summary, I could potentially spend over $120 on movies this fall. More if I don't see matinees. Ridic.

Blythe said...

VEEEEERY interesting on the flossing front. I read your comment today, but at the end of the night, I felt an inexplicable urge to floss again anyway. It might be like lotion-- at first the prospect is annoying, but after you get used to it, you start to crave it. My hands always feel dry now.

Also, I bet you're right about Never Let Me Go being spoiled by the preview. I'm pretty sure I get the whole jist. Didn't know about a Cher/Xtina/Tucci film but it sounds like a must see (love the Aguilera spelling).

Gotta say I didn't like the sound of The Town. Scratch that-- didn't like the poster. I would LOOOOOOVE to see Blue Valentine though! I didn't know that was getting a wide release!!