Thursday, July 31, 2008


I just saw Ironman today. It was UNBELIEVABLE!!! I already saw The Dark Knight (well... everyone has), and I have to say I preferred Ironman by a LOT! Barring, of course, Heath Ledger's character who was really unbelievable. Here is why I thought Ironman was more fun to watch (as a character and as a movie) (and let me preface by saying that I really did enjoy The Dark Knight):

1. the movie was FUNNY!!! Obviously Batman has his moments (except not really...) and the Joker is funny too... but mostly it's more of a bummer. Ironman was non-stop laughs!

2. the soundtrack REALLY added to the film. It was powerful, but more light-hearted. It made me want to kick some ass instead of feel sad and scared.

3. Gwenyth Paltrow is better than Maggie and Katie combined times 15. And she's not even stellar. They just REALLY BLEW! And they were way uglier... sorry to judge on that scale but... I don't feel THAT bad because I don't judge REAL people on their attractiveness (a lot...).

4. Ironman doesn't take himself so seriously. He makes jokes even when he's dying or hurt.

5. I'd rather bang Robert Downey Jr. than Christian Bale... an opinion I solidified after watching Ironman.

6. There isn't that much female conflict. Ironman knows that he loves the girl and he light-heartedly tells her all the time. Even though he's a playboy superhero. And he doesn't even need the secret identity bullshit.


And on a completely side subject, dryer sheets have like... a JILLION uses. I feel like every day I'm learning something new about dryer sheets. They can a) soften your clothes, b) de-frizz your hair, c) make a spoof, and d) kill cockroaches. BUY DRYER SHEETS! (<- consumer plug)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Let's Just Reflect

Image 1: Look at the squirrel that is just about to totally chow on that kid's food? Commons squirrels are so fat and fearless. I love it. (Sorry the angle is bad, but I didn't want the kid to know I was taking a picture).

Image 2: The street performer asked a little kid (must've been my brother Matt's age (10)) to help him in case the performer dropped his sister. It was cute as HELL!! But the funniest part was that he gave the kid a dollar for helping, and then he told the kid to give it to this little girl in pink. The kid did EXACTLY what my brother would do which is a) look incredulous, b) ask "do I haaaave to?" in a really high voice, and then c) walk with exaggerated-ly slumped gestures to complete the task looking really sad. Then the boy started to go back to his place but the performer asked him to come back. Then the performer asked the boy if the boy enjoyed giving the money away, which the boy obviously replied in the negative. And then the performer told him to get used to it, and then gave the boy a five. Man, though! That performer had so much charisma!! And strength and flexability!!! It was ... preeetty hot!
Last time I distinctly remember the guy saying that we should give him money so he can return to the UK, "otherwise I'm going to stay and marry your daughters... or sons! Come on! This is Boston!!"
He said some other golden ones today, but he didn't say that again. I'm glad that he didn't! Also he made a speech about kids staying in school and not doing drugs, which he didn't do before. That was nice.

One Extraordinary Day in Bean Town

I basically had the BEST day ever!!! Here's how it went:

Last night I went to bed around 11pm (which still half upsets me since I really like my nights. I just can't stay conscious anymore). But, I woke up at 9:30am ready to go. I look outside and it's gorgious out. I took a long shower full of singing at full voice -- I thought my roommates were at work, but actually one was home... so it was a little awkward when I emerged from the shower...
but either way, I had a beautiful shower-- full of confidence. Then I put on my new shirt from Urban Outfitters that I got when I saw Claire yesterday, applied some sunscreen, and was off.

The day was VERY sunny (we've been getting a LOT of rain-- perhaps even hail yesterday), with almost no humidity. I went to Government Center and had a gyro in Quincy Market. Then I sat on the steps outside in the shade listening to a man performing on cans (that reminded me of Angel from Rent (even though that isn't really my favorite movie)) whom I had given a dollar to before I got my food. Then the guy finished up and these other street acrobats came and performed. BUUUUT it was AWESOME because a) they are hot, british, and hilarious and b) I recognized them from a previous Government Center time, and I was just smitten with them!!! They did NOT disappoint. I gave them $5.

Then I decided to walk around a little, and while doing this I saw signs pointing towards a blood drive. The Red Cross called me about donating about 2 weeks ago, but I couldn't because I had work. SOOO I popped into the place, gave some blood (which I honestly love to do), and got some crackers, juice, a Red Sox shirt, and a coupon for chocolate covered strawberries from Edible.

Afterwards, I decided to walk to Downtown Crossing where I bought a pair of earrings, after which I went to the Boston Commons and sat in the shade and read my book, Twilight (which almost seems like a guilty pleasure, but I don't care because it's so addicting!!)

I LOOOOOOOOVE the park!!!! I really think that cities might just be how humans are MEANT to live. I don't think we should have so much space. I just love having my small room and my small apartment! And I LOOOOOVE all the people who walk around CONSTANTLY!!! But I REALLY love the park!! In a way that I never encounter in a suburban area, people at the park in the city just LOVE IT!!! The kids are REEEEALLLY about their games. The teenagers sit about in circles talking and having picnics! People sit during their lunch break and eat and listen to performers and catch some sun! Lovers rest under trees! Squirrels and pidgeons aren't afraid! I saw one man in a wheel chair, I think paralyzed from the neck down, and he was flying a kite. You just KNOW that all he wants in the world is to just fly his kite!!! And he's doing it! He's making that happen!!! Does it get any better than that? Than simple, self-created happiness?

Anyway, I saw on my new shirt with a pretzel and a soda and Twilight for 4 hours. I didn't move at all. I finally did get up when this guy started talking to me. But he was really nice. He was telling me about his Stephen King books, confessing that he was a crazy alcohalic ("I'm just being honest with you"), telling me movies that I should watch. I loved it, but decided to make my exit.

So I went home, first stopping at the book store to buy the second book after Twilight. Then I got home, finished up Twilight, started the new book, and then hung out with my work friends playing Munchkin Fu (card game) twice (and I won once), and eating pizza and cookies.

And now I'm home in my nice cool room, ready to read myself to sleep.

How awesome was my day?

Monday, July 21, 2008

A Comment on Sleep

In my non-summer-in-Boston life, I tend to sleep irregularly with lots of naps and staying up really late. I do it on purpose because I don't like routines and I LOOOOOVE the night when everyone is asleep. It's my alone time. I can do work or watch movies or clip my nails or talk on the computer or read blogs... whatever I want. BUT, when I took on this job, several of my skeptics suggested that I would not be able to maintain that kind of schedule. I'm sorry to say that they seem to be correct. I woke up at 10:25am today (my day off-- usually I wake up between 7:12am and 7:16am). I pass out around midnight to 12:30am every night. But, to my surprise, I kind of enjoy it. Now that I have my own room, I can practice my alone behaviors whenever I want (I haven't had a room to myself since 5th grade), and waking up in the morning makes me feel like I'm not wasting my day away. So hurray! This is just another way that I've tried to live my life now. I'll call it Standard. As opposed to No Sleep (highschool), Nocturnal (freshman year), and Siesta (Last year). The point is, I'm pleased that I (so far) cannot be contained by sleeping schedules. I shall sleep how I want.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Neat Stuff at Work

One of the groups that uses BU for housing over the summer is a group of future principals (I THINK... but don't REALLY care). But either way, I found this art that some children made for their teacher and I thought it looked REALLY COOL!!! It's almost creepy...

Food is LAME

Before I begin, let me just point out that before this summer, I have always been fed regularly. And even now I get a free-ish lunch ($40 a week). So really, I have to come up with dinner (breakfast is obviously a piece of cake (not literally, obviously) even though I've never eaten breakfast regularly in my ENTIRE LIFE until now-- for REAL) every night.

Here's the sitch: in the beginning, cooking is new and exciting. I bought a pan and a can opener and some utensils. I learned to make one of my favorite meals that my mother makes (even if I did essentially make vinegar chicken the first time). I encouraged others to help me learn new ways to cook. But now-- OVER IT! I've eaten rosemary chicken and tuna casserole about a jillion times. All of my stuff keeps going bad because I forget about it. Shopping is lame. I'm tired after I get home from work, and I'm not usually that hungry. I ate tuna on crackers for dinner four times (which is awesome on the wallet, btw)!!!

Anyway, I went grocery shopping for maybe... the second time this summer today. I got home, put my stuff away, came on the computer, and lost all inclinations to cook.
ALTHOUGH, I understand that I'm being a total jerk and that a lot of people don't eat NOT because of a laziness affliction, but because there isn't any food available. AND I appreciate my mother for cooking a few times a week.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Now Let's Get Started

Now that I've tried to make the blog prettier (and I'm SURE it's a work in progress), I'll tell you my general status right now.

1. I'm a rising junior at Boston University and I'm staying in Boston for the summer because I LOVE being in the city, and almost hate being in my town in Pennsylvania.

2. The job that I got involves mostly making beds and cleaning rooms for about 40 hours a week.

3. I basically LOOOOVE my job, although I can't say I'd recommend it to other people because most of my coworkers don't feel the same way as I do.

4. I'm living what I consider a bohemian life with roommates who are drug addicts, roaches (and a mouse as of last night), and obviously no air conditioning. I also LOOOOOOOVE this.

Today is my second day off this week and I'm currently enjoying my new found space since my roommate moved out (she got a promotion that involved her living up the street). I'm trying to maximize the movie-viewing space so that I can a) pleasurably watch movies every day (which I haven't been doing this past month) and b) have people over to watch movies. I think I've been really missing movies.

Speaking of which, my band o' coworkers and I are going to see the midnight showing of The Dark Knight on Thursday/Friday. Expect a full review.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Beginning?

This isn't really the beginning of my blogging career because I've really been doing it since the end of 2003 (and you can visit any of those posts by going to ). HOWEVER, I stopped for a while and THEN greatestjournal stopped accepting updates. Now I'm just itching to write about my life, MOSTLY inspired by my friend Claire. So here we go.