Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Things You Could Have Guessed

I still haven't done many L.A. things, I am sorry to report. Loan check has still not come in and I am on a very tight budget. As always when this happens, I have made a list of the things I want to get when I have money again... IMPORTANT things. Like... another pair of jeans as I have only one and am SURE that this is giving a bad, albeit unfortunately truthful, impression of me.

I DID go to In-N-Out, which I have to say, was HIGHLY disappointing. Admittedly, I didn't have anything from the secret menu... but it seemed like the perk to that menu is fries within my burger, which wasn't particularly appealing. Mostly, it's just a regular burger... but they toast the bun. Secret sauce... same as all secret sauces... some orange concoction made, presumably, of ketchup, mayonnaise, and... hopefully something else. Now I realize that I have, perhaps, an enhanced feeling of skepticism about standard foods that people go nuts about when it comes from a certain place (pizza from NY... not impressed, pretzels from the Philly area... eh), but... I really don't think I can fall for these ruses any longer. This is not like the hype of Avatar, which was totally deserving!

Speaking of which, I blew a huge part of my budget to see Avatar AGAIN. Totally worth it. What's not worth it though; taking the freeway at 6:30pm on a Saturday night to see a film. If I was driving, I would have shot myself in the face. I must say that while I felt totally comfortable driving when I got here, every time I go out now I get very scared. I think it's because I do it so seldom. Unfortunately, I find myself chanting "I suck at driving, I suck at driving, I suck at driving" for LONG portions of every journey I take. I know this is terrible and will only decrease my confidence, but I don't seem to notice I'm doing it until about three minutes in. I must work on this.

Tomorrow is my first day at my new awesome internship. The lady (I couldn't think of what else to call her) gave me a script to start on today, which I will surely have finished by tonight. It was WAY cooler than the other one that I had to do coverage on for the internship I failed to get earlier. On the downside, I'm going to be hard pressed to think of some notes for it. On the upside, I'm not sure that I'll have to give notes at all because it might be the final draft. Impossible to say. But I do know that tomorrow I'll get to watch TiMER (see previous entry for details) and possibly Good Dick, if I don't watch it tonight. AWESOME! I am super pumped!!

I finished the sixth Harry Potter (for the jillionth (third) time) last night. It was amazing, I naturally wanted to die at the end, and most importantly, it made me LOATHE the movie which I ALREADY loathed! I knew they fucked up... but now I see that they... I can't even think of how to express how AWEFUL that interpretation of the book was. I really don't think I'm being overly critical on this. I really think they missed the ENTIRE point! For me it doesn't matter, but what about all those poor people, like my mother, who only watch the movies. She might shed a tear at the sad point in the film (I won't give it away, just in case). But she SHOULD be bawling her EYES out! And even MORE importantly, I REALLY don't know how they are even going to start the seventh movie since they excluded all the parts that allow you to understand what Harry needs to do. It's just a disaster and I can only hope that in the future, when technology is even less expensive than it is now, they'll make another version and they won't care how long it is because they'll know that the story is the important part. Also, hopefully they won't worry about the all-British cast because that is definitely NOT a good enough reason to compromise acting. Obviously I'm talking about the kids. Come on! Can't we look through the pool of kids in other countries with skills!? I'm not pushing for American kids for a nationalistic reason... but way more kids are GROOMED to be amazing actors in America. Sure it may ruin their lives, but artistically we need them!!

Moving on.

I think I failed to mention that tap water here tastes like butt. It's okay though because I bought myself two gallons of water and it lasts longer than I would have thought (although I do believe I'm drinking way less water.. which is a shame). Even MORE importantly, most of the grocery stores have a machine in which you can fill your own gallon jug for $.25. This is the future and I accept.

I'm so glad that I'm going to start working with what I think will be a far less intimidating crowd. Today in class, my professor talked a lot about networking and I almost started to cry-- although I am currently having emotional instability that is associated with womanhood this week (get it?). I just find it horrifying to network. I find it even WORSE to think about asking other people for favors, especially when I have nothing to give in return. While I was trying to hold back tears of panic (don't judge me), my professor went into how we also need to make sure we aren't too sensitive because people will take advantage of that. Lame.
But seriously don't judge. I'm sure it'll be fine...

I am nearly finished with the third season of How I Met Your Mother. Intermittently my roommate and I decided to watch a few episodes of Friends. Veeeeery similar shows, they are. I accept this as sitcoms tend to be very similar. In fact, I mostly applaud it. Still really loving the Neil Patrick Harris. Plus I am MUCH more accepting of the other characters now. The show is really growing on me. I think I place it below That 70's Show and above The Big Bang Theory.

As you can see, I am mostly reading (and giving the impression that I'm quite the bookworm, I must say-- isn't it strange going to a new place and giving off impressions of yourself that you know aren't really true. My roommate pointed out how much I love eating eggs. How strange. I am a read-y- egg-eater to her), watching TV, and talking to Kevin on the phone almost every night. Things that I can do ANYWHERE!
When I have a little more money (and can stop having dreams about needing my oil changed... true story), we'll see what I become.


Claire said...

"Like... another pair of jeans as I have only one and am SURE that this is giving a bad, albeit unfortunately truthful, impression of me."

I own three pairs of jeans, two of which I wear (that other pair... I don't know). I wear them both almost ALL the time, and I honestly cannot remember the last time I washed either pair. I claim that I'm "breaking in" one pair... but I've been breaking it in for, like, several months now. And I have no excuse for the other pair.

Also, I think I would die if I had to drive in LA, so I think it's awesome that you are doing it! I'm sure no one cares how good a driver you are anyway.

Blythe said...

This is one of the many reasons why you are my lady soulmate (the pants thing).

Also, my driving strategy is (and this is true) to drive away from anyone that I think I've upset on the road... I consider each avoidance to be a fresh slate.