Saturday, February 19, 2011

Unfortunate VO

I was just watching The Office (great episode, by the way!) and during one of the commercials, the VO woman had to say "nothing will ruin this tights enthusiast's enthusiasm!" That sucks.

I'm ill. I've been ill since Tuesday. Every time I get sick, I have to use that time to remember that sickness is real and that I can't be secretly pissed when other people are sick. I hate to say that the lesson never sticks with me. That being said, I'm so lucky. I had a hefty week and weekend planned and it all ended up working out so that I can chill at home and rest, to the detriment of some other people, unfortunately.

I'll talk more later, probs.


Claire said...

I am sick, too! And I get irrationally annoyed at people when they're sick, too, but I can't help but feel like everyone in the world is milking their sickness for sympathy (except me, of course).

Blythe said...


Except that because of that, I'm hyper aware of every time I am over-complaining or getting out of too many things. I'm like "Blythe, you're not on your deathbed here, so stop acting like a fucking war victim and sit up straight. Lift your voice a bit. You can have COFFEE with that person-- it's not going to kill you." But then the other part of me is like "oh Blythe, you're so sick! God, your muscles are so sore. Is it always this cold?!"

Cory H said...

A cold, and a constant battle fastened inside your head? Really hope you get well soon before you have a nervous breakdown...

Blythe said...

Hahahaha!! Good point! Thanks Cory!