Thursday, August 11, 2011

Another Dream

ANOTHER night of vivid dreams.

Part 1. I think there was a whole story line about staying at someones house where we had to care for an unidentified old man... but I don't really remember. But then my mom took like... 20 different decks of cards that I guess had sentimental value to me, and stacked them, loose, on a piece of cardboard and then set it afloat in a lake. I was furious because there was no way I was going to get all of my cards back, but when I went into the water, there were all of these people there and it turned out to be a Stephen Colbert performance for my birthday.

Part 2. I was in a hospital/grocery store. People were shopping in the really cramped grocery store but there were also people in hospital gowns by the elevator. I was shopping with my cart, but had a really hard time getting passed the people. I abandoned my cart and went to the vending machine where the boy I went on a date with a few months ago was. He said "hi" to me, but I couldn't remember his name and I felt bad. Then I saw my friend Saralyn, but she seemed harder and angrier than usual. She said she was irritated by west coast people, and I deduced that she had just visited upstate New York (where she's from) and had been hardened by it.

Part 3. I'm by a pool at either sunrise or sunset and I see spilt kidney beans on the bottom of the pool. I'm trying to decide if someone threw up, or just spilled beans, but as I continue to stare, they become a shining, golden color. It gets completely dark and the dark water near the golden part starts swirling and it's impossible for me to take my eyes away. I think I'm being hypnotized. Then I wake up.

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