Friday, August 5, 2011

Bills, Books, Movies

Sometimes when I haven't written a post in a while, they come out super super crappy. I just deleted 3 separate drafts from the past week that I was forced to abandon because even I'M not interested in reading them (and I think it goes without saying (saying it) that I'm my own biggest fan...). So let's just see where this goes... (under-hyping).

My first bills started a-rolling in. $11 for electricity. Sounds good, but I'm concerned that it was only for a 21 day period. I guess it's fine, but I may unplug our TV during disuse and see what happens (I think I've counted 3 total times that we've used the TV. And we've only watched movies). Gas bill was an alarming $55 but it turns out, they added $25 for set up and $20 deposit, and then tax. So our actual bill was somewhere around $7-$8. Golden. Internet was, I surmise, $30. ANYWAY, it's for posterity. I used to list the details of my homework, remember? I can list bill details... ...

If all goes right, I will have made $1025 extra monies this month, which is huge!! None of that money is in my hands, but all the work has been done, so I think we're solid. I keep bragging about it because--and I hope I'm right about this--I am young and poor enough to not seem tactless. I'm dreaming about all of the things I can do with so much money! Pay my grandpa back! Get a new muffler! Get new clothes or maybe even a pair of shoes! Change my plates! Buy tickets to Colorado for the wedding! Turns out, I need more money... La-ame.

I'm reading a book called I Know This Much Is True by Wally Lamb. I have no idea why this book is in my possession. I found it during the moving process and can only assume I accidentally stole it from someone. Because I knew I wouldn't be willing to travel back to Burbank regularly, or find a library close by for the next several weeks (accurate prediction), I took a look at the book, saw it was an NY Times bestseller and didn't appear to be a mystery or biography of someone I've never heard of, and decided to dive right in.

GREAT choice. I'm really really enjoying it. Unfortunately, it's 900 pages long and not a recognizable title at all. What I'm saying is, I will never be able to share this book with anyone else. I will never be able to convince someone that IIII know to pick up a 900 page novel about a man and his schizophrenic identical twin. I feel so alone, like people I know who DON'T only read 12-20 books a year (and let's be real, half of those books I read I've read before (and half of THOSE are Harry Potter...)). People who REGULARLY read books that they can never talk about. But it is a real joy.

Discovered the miracle of frozen pot stickers.

Am strongly considering trying for a THIRD TIME to see Midnight in Paris tonight. I haven't decided if I'd rather eat soup and read. It's a tough call. I could ALSO go and see The Beginners with Ewan McGregor. I like the look of The Beginners more, but my gut tells me that Midnight in Paris is going to be a more moving experience. I'm seduced by it's popularity and mysteriousness. What is that movie about?? Regardless, I'm not inviting anyone. I maintain that movies are better to watch alone. ESPECIALLY in the theater. I haven't really said it so bluntly before, because I don't want people to stop inviting me to movies, but here is why it's better solo:

1. Impromptu. I like to decide at that moment, "I am going to see this movie NOW." Then I just go to the theater, get the next ticket, wait around if it's required, and enjoy the exact film I wanted at the exact time I wanted to see it. If I have to plan it, then maybe I'm not in the mood for that film on the actual day. I'm not saying it's the WORST to go to a movie when maybe you'd prefer a different movie or no movie at all. I'm just saying, impromptu is better.

2. No compromise.
In nearly all aspects of my life, I feel like I don't have a preference. Where are we going to eat? What is the itinerary for the day? Where do you want to sleep? I don't care, I don't care, I don't care. I've thought about it a lot, and I don't think I'm a pushover, per sé. I just get VERY uncomfortable when I can see that the person I'm with is visibly disappointed. When the person I'm with VISIBLY wanted burgers and we got Indian because they asked me what I want, THAT is what affects me. Not the food I'm eating.

Anyway, the point is that, in my narcissistic self-observation, I've noticed that the one opinion I DO have is on movies. And I can't help but be internally pissy if we're going to see a movie that doesn't seem worth $12.50 to me. I don't care if someone else is disappointed. On the subject of movies, my disappointment weighs in stronger than anyone else's on my care-o-meter.
(I believe this correlates to why if someone recommends a film to me, I will most likely take 6 months to watch it. How I spend my movie time is MY decision, with few exceptions.)

(note: I have to admit, though, that sometimes I will be internally pissy about a movie, only to come out being extremely grateful that someone dragged me.)

So... I think I've made it clear that I don't like to compromise with movies...

3. I can take the time to absorb the movie.

Not ALL movies need to be absorbed, but a lot do. And when I'm absorbing, I don't want to talk. The reason is, I don't like the pressure of stating an opinion that I haven't thought through, because then I have to back track later, or WORSE, I start to believe this spur-of-the-moment opinion is my ACTUAL opinion and then I have to defend it for life. Or until I watch the movie again and realize that I was being too harsh or too... praise-ful.

Anyway. Despite this, don't stop inviting me to movies. I do ALWAYS enjoy movies.



Claire said...

It definitely annoys me when I go to a movie because someone else wants to see it and I don't really - because movies are EXPENSIVE! This is especially a problem with Corey and his obsession with superhero movies.

Caroline Cooper said...

you NEEEEED the money to come visit me! omg come in the next month or so. I'm gonna be housesitting in this INCREDIBLE building!

(other) Claire said...

Midnight in Paris is soo good! You def need to see it. The cameos are hilarious. And I'm in agreement with Claire about superhero movies!