Friday, March 13, 2009

Economic Woes

SO I've been going a little nuts over the economy because I do NOT UNDERSTAND!! I watched THIS INTERVIEW with Jon Stewart and Jim Cramer three times and I got so frustrated because I don't want to be a fool. I called my grandpa, but he didn't see it yet. Plus it was before I got really frustrated by my lack of knowledge. But tomorrow I'm talking to him again at 6pm. I also called Elana but she wasn't around. Then I called my mom and she KIIIIND of knew... but then she gave me to Ernie.. and him and I got lost in talking about how America doesn't manufacture anything anymore. So NOW I'm looking up "401K" on wikipedia. I will continue my search tonight, hopefully. 

ALSO, I was just watching Rachel Maddow and she said that there was a 400% increase online for comedy central because of the debate! And in some press conference the press asked if OBAMA watched the debate and the representative or whatever said Obama intended to but the guy wasn't sure if he did... but the guy who was answering the questions DID watch it and enjoyed it. 

If anyone who reads this (all 3 of you) know who I can call about my economic questions, let me know. Or something I could read? I would just like some summary. Maybe a wikipedia-like-page about why our economy failed.
 (that is a joke... as obviously if that existed... everyone would know about it). 

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