Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Facebook Tale

I can't decide if I want a dog so that I'm encouraged to wake up early, or if I don't want a dog because I don't want to be forced to wake up early. I shouldn't even be thinking about it because a) not all dogs wake up early and a big b) I can't afford a dog financially, emotionally, or spatially.

I got 4/5 of the movies I ordered and I watched 3/4 of those already. I continue to never EVER regret that I own so many movies. I swear to you guys that I've seen every movie I own in the past year with maybe... 20 exceptions. Did I mention that I purged all of my DVD cases? I'm never selling my movies and I keep them in a huge case that holds jillions of movies... so I trashed the individual cases. It was a great relief and I'm pretty proud.

Now a tale:
On a whim, I posted something on the wall of a friend from high school (Jake K) whom I haven't communicated with in... 5 years? It's the miracle of facebook. And inadvertently a miracle of funny online videos that some people really should see regardless of potential awkwardness. Anyway, we had a brief exchange and then a couple of days later he told his friend (our friend?) from high school (Darri) that I lived in LA. And so does she. And we both work in Beverly Hills. And we're having a meal tonight!! Bizarre.

It would be hilarious if we became best friends because of a mediocre Funny or Die faux trailer about the monopoly movie.


Claire said...

Well if you got a dog like Spike you'd never have to wake up early! But I guess it's hard to know a dog's personality before you get it. Also they are really expensive, as you mentioned.

I'm a little afraid that someday I will be engulfed by the insane amount of DVDs I know, or that I'll end up on an episode of Hoarders. But I like owning a lot of movies.

Also, I think it's so funny you're going to hang out with Darri.

Blythe said...

I've had similar hoarder worries, but I relieved myself by tossing the cases to the individual DVDs. Even if I end up owning 1000 DVDs, it won't take up THAT much room if they're in big cases.

The Lady Me said...

Facebook is rather ridiculous isn't it? But it's moments like those that make it worthwhile. Claire told me that you and Darri discussed Ms. Rap and her insane husband. Janet texted me a few days after it happened and I was floored. I still can't believe it. Sick.

In other news, I REALLY want a pet. But I don't think I can commit to a dog. I need to go cat first. I'm too busy for a poor dog. Oh, and also I need money.