Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I'm COLD, Y'all

You know what else is weird? I am cold all the live-long day!! Today I was packing on layers until I ran out and I was STILL freezing. Halfway through my commute, I remembered that cars have a heating ability. That was nice, although I had to balance the temperature because I kept thinking I would get too cozy and fall asleep. I know this is a brain thing. I expect to be warm because I'm in LA and then my brain is terribly shocked when I'm cold, whereas in Boston I expected to be cold and my brain braced itself and was stubbornly determined to feel warm.

On a side, irrelevant to anything, note, I was reading about Darren Aronofsky and the author said about Requiem for a Dream, "It's one of the few films I've ever seen that I heartily recommend for any serious film fan, but which I will never watch again." It's funny to me that everyone seems to feel this way about that movie. Someone asked me what other movies are single watch movies and I couldn't name one. Just that one. It's great. Once.

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