Thursday, December 9, 2010

But I Am Hopeful...

I watched the Babies documentary yesterday. It was like... a feature length youtube video of babies doing cute crap. No narration. No words really, except from the moms. But there were no subtitles so I only understood the American mom. But... it wasn't entirely chronological and it there wasn't much theme to each part, except occasionally, like when they showed all the babies interacting with cats. Can't say I didn't enjoy myself, although that could be my uterus talking.

If I get paid more after January, I want to move at the end of February. Not even because of my roommate (well... that's a lie... but not the point at this moment), but because I'm so far away from work! I spend 2 hours a day commuting (1.25 hours in the morning, and .75 hours at night). And I'm only 8 miles away from work!! And that does not count days like today when a road that I travel 3ish miles on had 2/3 lanes closed. And the closed part of the road couldn't have been more than... 30 feet... maybe less. Basically nothing, but merging the already unbearable traffic caused me to be 20 minutes late!! And I always show up 15 minutes early!

More importantly though, it means that I spend 12 hours a day at work or en route. That gives me literally 4 hours of spare time, 2 of which I use to talk to Kevin, which is crucial to my mental health.

I need a hobby!! Where's the a cappella? Need I start painting again, a hobby that I fear will only add to my state of recluse? I need something to live for.

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