Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Movies I've Seen, Movies I Want to See... The Usual...

Dear Claire,

Watch Wristcutters: A Love Story. Please please! It has all my (our?) favorite things: funny, crazy characters, road trip, existentialism, Patrick Fugit. Plus, the nature of the film and the featuring of Shannyn Sossamon made me think of The Rules of Attraction. And I'll never be over Patrick Fugit.

ANYWAY, when I watched it, I just thought, "God DAMNIT, why can't Claire be here! Why!!?!"

Love love love,

I also watched The Messenger last night. Netflix recommended it because I love (500) Days of Summer, Little Children, and Little Miss Sunshine. In retrospect, that does make sense, but I was hoping for a LITTLE more funny. Mostly I just cried every 10 minutes. It started off good though-- Ben Foster and Jena Malone having graphic-enough sex. But... I would really love Ben Foster to stick with comedy. Even black comedy. It's not that he didn't pull it off... but he's just no Jeremy Renner. And that pains me because I love his energy and his voice and his face. And he has a special place in my heart because of Flash Forward (old, Disney Channel version).

In other news, I am almost off for Christmas. I'm going to work a little (/possibly the whole day) on Monday. Then I have the week (I might do some babysitting). Then on Christmas I'm going to spend the day near-ish to LAX airport to hang with Caroline while she's waiting for her flight to Israel. I'm excited, but a LITTLE worried that I might get a surge of grief. I'm not totally sure how important Christmas is to me. Then, at the end of the month, I'm housesitting, which is definitely going to be the best part!

Plans for the break:
1. Christmas cards. I might have to do those this week, actually. Seems so daunting, but I can't wait to pick out the movie to watch while I do it. And the snacks. Yeah... I can make that fun, probs.
2. Finish scrapbook. Originally I stopped because I wanted to savor it, but now it's just sitting on my floor waiting to be done. Last year I watched Groundhog's Day and Ghostbusters during scrapbook time. They were perfect PERFECT films for scrapbooking. High energy. Already seen them a jillion times so I don't need to watch carefully. This year I'd love Casper, if I can get it. Or maybe Mrs. Doubtfire. Harriet the Spy?
3. Paint? We'll see. I'm actually all prepared to finish one that I started... a year ago? But... I secretly love it. It's one of my favorite pictures of Bob Dylan and his girlfriend in 1963-ish.
4. Hang with Julia. She's leaving for Santa Cruz in January, and she is coming back in April at the earliest.

Look, there are great movies to be picked for my entire break. That looks like the gist.

And OBVIOUSLY see Blue Valentine.

Added later: Just saw Annette Benning on the street!


Claire C said...

1. I DID see "Wristcutters"! But it was a really long time ago and I honestly don't remember it very well... except that I know I loved Patrick Fugit. But since it's on Netflix Instant I will totally watch it again. And I WISH I was there to watch it with you!!!

2. I always have the same thought now when I watch any war movie: "Well, he's no Jeremy Renner..." But I love Ben Foster, especially since "Alpha Dog" because he seemed SO fucking committed to that psycho character.

3. I did all my Christmas cards while watching "Californication" on Netflix and eating chocolate. It does make it a really fun event.

4. I couldn't sign in to make this comment because I forgot my password....

Blythe said...

Every time I watch a movie that I think only you would appreciate to the full extent, I try to think of movie marathons we can do that would incorporate that movie. My dream is to hang out with you in like... a cabin where there isn't anything to do BUT watch movies (so we don't feel guilty about not leaving) and then watch marathon after marathon. Pregnancy. Patrick Fugit. Over-sexed.

Is the password thing a brain-fart situation or you may never remember. About a month ago I forgot the digits to my address. I was like... it's 15 or maybe like... 100. Then I looked it up (by looking at "sent" emails when I told people my address) and it was 321. I wasn't even close!

Kevin and I have discussed this, and we think our brains are already full.

Claire said...

Hahaha, well. My email account locked me out the other day and I had to call the school to get them to reset my password, so I got really paranoid and changed ALL my passwords to completely new ones, and all completely different from one another (because before that... they were all allllmost exactly the same). So now I assume I am more secure... so secure, in fact, that I routinely lock myself out of everything. Because the passwords are all too random and complicated to remember. I better never lose the little piece of paper I have them written down on...

A movie cabin with you would be my DREAM. Does that make me sound like I'm in love with you? Well....

Blythe said...

HAHAHA!! I have TWO passwords. One is slightly more complex than the other. But my email got hacked and I got confused about which email address was hacked and ended up changing one to something completely new. I was pissed about it because I was convinced that I would never remember.

But... basically I switched it back and am back to 2. I don't have a capacity beyond that.

Also, I HOPE you're in love with me... because I'm in love with you and unrequited love is hard on the complexion.