Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Impeccable weather again. In my personal Lovely Bones-esque heaven, it will be Los Angeles in January.

I had a massive failure with my personal calendar. Amanda is visiting next week, and I thought she was visiting on Jan. 24. Super lame. In fact, when she told me last night, I was certain it was a joke for a good 2 minutes. The good news is, obviously, that I'm getting a visit next week. A visit from one of my very very closest friends. I'm scared of Davida's reaction, but... she'll have to deal I guess.

Perfect timing for my 1-year LA anniversary, which I admit I'm obsessed with. I think it's because if I reflect on my year in Los Angeles in list format, I feel extremely accomplished, which is an unfortunately rare feeling for me. Let's list to make me feel good:
1. Moved, nay DROVE, to Los Angeles from Pennsylvania.
2. Worked in a production office.
3. Worked on a soap opera.
4. Graduated from college.
5. Found an apartment (perhaps not the most comfortable place in the land, but I'm not homeless nor am I the LEAST comfortable in the land).
6. Worked on two feature length films.
7. Worked on post production (one week, but still...)
8. Worked on a promo (2 days, but arguably the most I've ever worked in 2 days)
9. Got a full time job in talent representation.
10. Secured a comfortable number of friends.

It might be the most amazing year of my entire life. When I think of my failures and then look at this list, I no longer think I had any failures at all. Just a bit of room for improvement.

1 comment:

Claire said...

You have done more impressive things in the last year than I've done... like, ever. You should be super proud!