Monday, September 26, 2011

More Pilot Analysis

Medium accomplishments this weekend.

Failed to do anything about Colorado. Well... I did ONE thing. I bought a jacket. I haven't owned a jacket since high school, so it's kind of a big deal. Mostly, I do NOT want to get to CO and bitch about being cold constantly. And I know that it will be an impossible urge to suppress because I thought I was dying when we got down to 46 degrees last year. I like this jacket, though. It's got some peacoat qualities, without screaming "fancy" at you.

Helped Jasmine move. It was actually a pretty short process (for me-- they have a bit to go yet). The most amazing part was transporting a fridge from the truck to her kitchen with 3 girls and NO RAMP ON THE TRUCK. I gave a get-pumped speech ahead of time, explaining that women are strong and that this will be a landmark of braggery if we can do it. And we did!!

On a POSSIBLY related note, I feel like I have bruises all over my body. On my legs they're visible, but it's possible that what I perceive to be bruises on my arms and shoulders are just muscle aches. I don't think this should have happened, not because I can boast about being in any sort of shape, but because I JUST moved WAY more stuff a few months ago and I felt golden at the end. Not even a whiff of back pain (still no back pain, which I find miraculous... almost sinfully amazing).


Parenthood ep. 2. LOVED IT. I LOVE Jason Ritter on that show! I loved it so much that I had to go re-watch specific moments with Kevin over the phone. Bah! This will be my favorite series this season.

Free Agents pilot. I liked it. I'm torn because Hank Azaria can do some really wonderful nuanced faces and it makes him a GREAT, subtle leading man, but it also makes me feel like he's being wasted by being the straight character. I'm not sold on the Kathryn Hahn yet, although I remember her being great in How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days. I'll have to check out ep. 2.

2 Broke Girls pilot. The Kat Dennings character reminds me of Roseanne, which I WOULD love (I fucking LOVE Roseanne-- I don't even care) except that Roseanne had a family and a husband to support and there was a reason why she was so bitter. Kat is just being annoying. Mostly it was hokey and unless they give me SOMETHING I haven't seen or at least better disguise something I have seen, there's no reason to watch it. That said, it will probably fit in with the other CBS sitcoms wonderfully.

Up All Night ep. 2. Great. Still funny. Will Arnett had a little theme about ironic things that I HOPE was just for this episode. Also, the plot line in general is one that I don't usually see. And I saw more Cannon this time, but it was sparse yet again, and not annoying.

The Office season premiere. I'm blind with The Office. I cannot give an unbiased opinion. I thought it was good. Pam is pregs again. James Spader's name is now officially in my personal actor catalogue.

Whitney pilot. Didn't love it. Mostly because I don't need to watch a show about a neurotic, annoying white woman. I see them all the time in really life and that's not the kind of humor I want to encourage women to have. Kristen Wiig please. Kristen Wiig/ Tina Fey humor please. Also, while I don't monumentally despise laugh tracks, at the beginning of this show it was really uncomfortable because the jokes weren't very funny.


Claire said...

I am sooo impressed you moved a fridge!! I had to help Corey carry all his Ikea stuff from the car upstairs, and it was crazy hard! And smaller than a fridge, I'd imagine.

Love Parenthood. Really liked the Up All Night pilot; I'll have to catch up on it. And I want to watch the Office... but I'm so behind now! I stopped watching a few episodes after Michael left and now I don't know what's going on.

(other) Claire said...

Did you watch Pan Am? I'm not gonna lie...I kinda liked it. Although I realize it isn't very good. I'm going to watch a few more episodes and see how it goes.

Blythe said...

Claire C - You're probably not really behind on The Office. There were only 4 episodes after Michael left from last season and this season just premiered. I WISH I could watch Parenthood with you!!!

Claire S - Haven't caught Pan Am yet. It's not on hulu... so I'll have to actually go searching. I'm intrigued by your review.

Claire said...

I watched Pan Am today! And I liked it... though I just see some of the subplots as becoming ridiculous. It seems kiiiind of like a less realistic version of Mad Men. But still. I can't help loving Christina Ricci and Kelly Garner.