Thursday, September 8, 2011

Proud Weekend (Although I Have Low Standards)

Switched over to my third and final housesitting house. No big thing.

In other news, I had a unusually social weekend.
1. I hung out with my high school friend Darri and her friend Wallis. That was glorious. I forgot that people are only hard to meet if they're older and/or super accomplished. Also, I had two glasses of wine which provoked me to spill into a long, passionate tangent about how much I love LA (with a subcategory of movies). It was nice because I forgot that I still really feel pumped about this place. It's hard to find your passion when your life involves monotony at the same desk (I'm not complaining, but it would be denial if I claimed that I'm riveted every day).

2. I spent the following day talking to my mom, and the evening hanging out with Corina and Spiegs, who visited from San Francisco with encouraging tales of success. We capped the day at a bar with Corina's work friends. I actually had WAY more fun than I would have expected.

3. The next day we went to Venice beach. I performed an act of daring (I'm not willing to share the details online, so if you could just assume the coolest thing that comes to mind, that would be great), that made me feel like a superhero for the day. I also got a LOT of incense for $3. Like... 60 sticks. It was awesome, although I lament that I don't think any of the scents are as good as the one I currently have. We'll see.

4. Then we went to Hamburger Mary's for bingo, followed by karaoke. We all performed separately and then as a group. I've never done karaoke in front of strangers before and I'm sorry to report that it was mostly unpleasant because my words weren't lined up with the tune by a LOT. I'm the only one this happened to. I pulled it together by the last verse and the audience was very nice and supportive, but it was still a little disappointing. However, then Corina went up doing an Ace of Base song and was killer and Spiegs did an excellent Lady Gaga (I did "You Know That I'm No Good" by Winehouse). Then we all sang "Say My Name" which was prudent since it was Beyoncé's birthday. During "Say My Name," one of the drag queens humped my leg for a while, before crawling across the stage and touching herself. It was magical.

5. I spent Labor Day monday PRIMARILY doing nothing. But last night I went to a birthday party smash! It was Scottish themed (the birthday girl is Scottish) and it was in a warehouse and there was a bubble machine and you could draw on the floor with chalk and you could get your face painted and you could sketch your profile on a banner and there was a photographer and confetti and pizza and beer and cake. There were speeches and a poem and a song. It was super sweet and it was lovely to see my friends. I left by 10:30pm though, because I'm weak. And also because a lot a LOT of older and very accomplished people were there and I, thus, had a hard time being breezy.

Just a couple more things:
1. True Blood season finale on Sunday. BAAAAH!!
2. Watched Untamed Heart with Christian Slater and Marisa Tomei to continue on with the pending Slater obsession. Dreck. It was FAR to cheesy. I valiantly tried to suspend belief and enjoy it for what it was for the first 50 minutes, but I couldn't stop rolling my eyes. Bummer.
3. Splurged and bought $40 worth of lotion from Bath and Body Works. I don't even care. I'm so happy about this!
4. I also got many pairs of sneakers in the mail from Sarah (my guardian angel, ESPECIALLY in shoe related situations) and I bought some shoes for work. My shoe collection more than DOUBLED this weekend.
5. Also, my aunt sent me another care package which included a pizza stone and pizza dough mix. We also got some cake mixes and sangria mix!!

1 comment:

Claire said...

California always sounds so magical! Aaah. Though karaoke is something I will probably never do... because I TRULY am a bad singer, and it scares me a lot.