Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Journey

Moving was tricky.

On Sunday I stayed up late because I was studying for my 9am exam (I think I got an A-). Whatever whatever. Then I had errands to run: sell back books ($54-miracle!), return library books, eat lunch, have tea with Cayla and Spiegs.

Another issue was the digging out of my vehicle. Katherine suggested I buy a shovel or look for a free one on craigslist. I neither wanted to spend the money nor the time, so when I came back from my errands, I planned on putting my stuff down and tackling the problem with only my hands and feet to help me. However, that's when I spotted my frying pan which, as it happens, is shaped like a small shovel.

Twenty minutes later, I return a little cold and embarrassed, but successful.

At this point I'm exHAUSTed but I stay up for another hour talking to Elena and Matt. At some point I lay down and pass out for an hour to be awoken by Elena leaving.

I have a grief panic attack for about 40 minutes, put on Love Actually, and try to BEGIN the packing. Interruptions came in the form of a 1.5 hour conversation with Kevin on the miracles of Avatar, a much needed pizza break, and good points in the movie. At around 2am I decided that sleep was more important since I was going to drive all day the next day.

Woke up at 8:15am with a lot of work ahead of me. At about 10am I decided to call ORL because even though I'd been saying I had to be out by noon, I thought I'd read that I had to turn in my keys by 1pm. The lady at the desk was clearly a middle aged white woman:

Blythe: Hi I'm moving out for good today and I wanted to double check the time I have to leave.
MAWW: Noon! You have to be out by noon! You should be ready by now!
Blythe: uh right.

Anyway, I DID return my keys 20 minutes early. It was just fine. Went to Campco. Used the last of my points. And I was off.

The playlist was fairly successful at first. Around 2pm I started getting tired but that passed. Happened again around 6pm. That was rough. It was an intense battle between the sleepy and the adrenaline made from the fear that I was going to die because of the sleepy. I contend that it was impossible to predict which tunes were going to help the evil side (the sleepy) and which would keep me alive. For instance, my carefully planned movie theme song portion of the list was a bust, whereas the Elvis section was surprisingly helpful. I actually think it was because Elvis sings low enough for me to sing along, while I had to just LISTEN to the theme songs because I couldn't hit any notes. The only real thing that pumped me up was knowing I was really close to home (which sadly happened at about the time I saw "Havertown" on the signs).

Got home around 8:30pm, chatted with my brother for a few minutes, and passed out. Although we did briefly discuss a new video that I might cameo in. Merry Christmas to me.

Now no one is here. My brother and sister had school today, if you can believe it.

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