Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Ramblings of a Sleepless Lady

First of all, everything is OFFICIALLY done! HELLZ YEAH!! Today is going to be great because PERHAPS I will start packing my stuff up to figure out what I want to put in storage. MAYBE!

Also, I realized that I could put my movie onto my computer because we changed the format of it before I turned it in. Unfortunately, I can't upload it on anything yet because it's 2.3GB which is 1.3 GB too many to upload onto either youtube or facebook. C'est la vie. 

Lastly, I have to officially admit that I fucked up my sleeping schedule... as it is 7:40am and I have not yet slept tonight. And that is 1000% my own fault... ESPECIALLY because yesterday, because I didn't go to bed until 7am, I slept until 4:30pm. 
BUT, I've decided enough is enough and I will not sleep at all today and then hopefully I'll go to bed at like... 11pm tonight out of exhaustion (/I will limit any snooze I take to two hours (I don't want to torture myself)). 

Although, I did decide to write down my mind-wanderings during the night:

1. Is there a time of morning when, even if it's not light outside, a woman wouldn't be a fool to take a walk outside by herself? Like... 4:30am? Can we assume that rapists and muggers are all asleep at 4:30am? It just doesn't seem like an early-to-rise kind of crowd... although I don't want to put them in a box. 

Side note: I almost always evaluate my decisions, NOT on whether I feel safe doing whatever I'm doing, but instead based on what I'd imagine the third party perspective would be. Was it a horrible and completely unpredictable tragedy? Or was it sad but... Blythe really shouldn't have been doing _______. For example, one time Natalya and I were playing tennis (broad definition of the term "tennis"... but we were using a tennis ball and tennis rackets in a tennis court) in a storm that included large amounts of lightning. I felt fine doing it, but then I thought, "If by chance I die of electrocution right now, people are just going to think I was being an idiot by holding a metal rod in a lightning storm, aren't they?" And then we decided to lay down flat in the open and not hold the rackets anymore until the storm passed (although I'm actually not sure what the exact right thing to do is in that situation... but it seemed wiser). BUT ANYWAY, that's the reason I don't walk around alone at night, even though I OFTEN want to and I don't often feel unsafe. If I got killed, I would just be the fool who walked alone at night. 

2. DO we have an internal clock that correlates to the sun? Because... it seems to be a little TOO easily altered and thus... it might just be a myth. 

3. Why do I have blue marker on me when I have no recollection of encountering a blue marker recently?

4. In reference to the woman who died by drinking too much water to win a contest, would your body ever be actually thirsty enough to drown itself? If I'm thirsty and I drink like... 8 glasses of water in a row, do I have to worry about accidently drowning myself? I'm going to assume that the answer is no... but what if you took some weird drug that makes you thirsty? That would suck SOOOOOO MUCH!! If your choices were either being unbelievably thirsty or drowning yourself. 

Also, I need to say that the last episode of this season of The Office will be next week... which I'm pretty sad about, but also, it will be a good opportunity to relax with The Office... maybe put it away for a while. And it's already signed on for a 6th season so... I don' t have to worry about that. AND the season 5 dvd will come out over the summer too... so that's nice. Also, I KNOW that I'm being a creep about The Office, but actually, if you go to their website... it's just SO much weirder than I can be about the show. So many blogs and ... create your own words and... take pictures of your own office. I feel like I'M scraping the ceiling on show-obsession... but I'M not even interested in that stuff... and it makes me really wonder who is...
(I, unfortunately, do not feel confident that I will not have to take that statement back someday... although I didn't just discover it (obviously, as I watch the show online all the time)... and I've still never been compelled to delve into the site).

On a separate but related note, John Krasinski and Maya Rudolph's new movie Away We Go is coming out on June 5... which is AWESOME! It seems like they are trying to make a Juno for people that are a little older, which is a concept that I embrace... but I can't tell if they did it well. But I LOVE Allison Janney! And Catherine O'Hara! Yet... I really dislike Maggie Gyllenhaal. It's all irrelevant though because I'm definitely seeing it and DEFINITELY because I love John Krasinski. 
And, if you watched that trailer, you should go ahead and get pumped about Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon Levitt's 500 Days of Summer, which comes out July 17... and I have quite a bit of faith in!!

Lastly, I need to point out that being awake at 8am is incredibly not fun when I don't have anything that I NEED to do. I mostly feel like I'm waiting around for noon to come around. Although actually, maybe I'll go to the italian market, which is open on Saturdays, but I'm never awake early enough. Or maybe I'll buy some new pants! I'm not even going to erase that first part of this statement so you can know that I just changed my perspective on 8am as I was writing this. When I'm down there, maybe I'll go to a movie. OR GET GYROS AT FANUEL HALL!! How fun!!!

1 comment:

Claire said...

HELL YES to 500 Days of Summer. Zooey doesn't seem quite as weird as she usually is in movies... which I think might be kind of nice since she always plays SUPER quirky characters. But maybe she will be weirder than I suspect. And I love Gordon-Levitt. AND I also appreciate the Sid and Nancy reference in the trailer, so I will definitely see that.