Sunday, May 31, 2009

Positive Blythe! And Seal It with a Quiz

I feel WAY better today, probably because I spent it almost perfectly. No guilt. 

First, I did sadly wake up at 1pm... which is sad both because it's late AND because it's really early considering my more recent schedule. Wah-wah. But I did sleep through the night. AAAND I was very pleased because often, when I am awake at night, there is a point between 1am and 3am (changes day to day) where I get pretty sleepy... like if I fall asleep I'm done for the night... but it's a VERY easy bridge to push through (unless I'm writing a paper or studying for a test--then it is quite tricky) so I usually do and the sleepy doesn't come again until between 6am and 8am. 

Note: I understand that this is the stupidest thing EVER! I need to go to life rehab... 

ANYWAY last night at 2am I felt it coming and, even though I was in the middle of a movie, which I almost never interrupt, I shut my computer and went right to sleep. Done! (Go ahead and count. That's 11 hours of sleep. I'm not ashamed...)

Anyway, I woke up and had a yogurt and a banana. I went grocery shopping yesterday and I think I got the perfect amount of groceries... because usually I under shop... which I know is weird.. but I get paranoid about over buying so I usually go to the grocery store right after eating. Then I end up cutting things that I don't feel like I need at the time because I'm not only not hungry, but I'm actually repulsed by the food. Then 3 days later I have no food. People don't warn you about under shopping the way they do about over shopping. 

SOOO I today I spent a long time on craigslist and ended up emailing two more job offers, which I know is not a lot but it's something. Neither were TV related... but neither were Superfresh-like jobs. Also, I registered for several of those companies that call you do go out and be surveyed for market research for like... $50 ... so ... we'll see. Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised, but it couldn't hurt. 

THEN I went to the gym! That's certainly the real reason I'm happy for several reasons:
1. endorphins (which SURELY the lack of has been contributing to my recent sadness (which I was very aware of but hesitant to admit)
2. I'm slowly proving to myself that I DO have control. Maybe I just needed a gradual start... MAYBE it just takes a few days to get all the sloth out of the way and feel shitty enough to REALLY make some changes. That's good enough for me. 

Plus I'm also happy because:
1. My book, The Time Traveler's Wife, is glorious!! Although I am going to need a new book in 2-4 days. 
2. It's my 21st birthday on Wednesday!
3. Amanda is coming (because it's her routine on Tuesdays) and is staying for my birthday!!

New and old things to do:
1. Scrapbook. For real. Maybe I'll invite people over and we can have a little craft party!
2. Get my boxes from Caroline and Cayla. I actually feel a bit guilty that I haven't already. Plus I can start retrying to play the guitar. Really those boxes are full of my more fun, or at least less embarrassing, ways to enjoy myself. 
3. Make the dvds of my movie. Maybe I can take it to a place to get done. I just don't know how because it's too big to email and too big for my flash drive. Although I do have it on my big drive. We'll see. 
4. Keep working on the job hunt. 
5. Do some sort of financial thing with my mom. I don't know but it's probably a priority. 
6. Write some thank you emails. 

Miraculously, neither grocery shopping, laundry, OR cleaning are on this list. Yes, I have been keeping a clean house. It's a great situation because while Pat has yet to really be here, I keep THINKING he will be and I don't want him to come home to a dirty house. Although the tub is still an issue. I'm thinking of getting a mat (the grime is slippery... I know. Gross.) and then at least being able to wash the mat semi-easily. 

On another note, I've already done over 200 entries! July 14 will be the one year anniversary of this blog!

Lastly, someone that I know did this survey thing as a note and I really loved it. BUUUT I don't like doing notes because I get self-conscious so I'm going to do it here (don't be surprised if I DO make it as a note later though).

Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, (cleverly) answer these questions. 

Pick your artist: Bob Dylan

Are you male or female?: "Just Like a Woman"

Describe yourself: "Times They Are A-Changin'"

How do you feel about yourself?: "Blowin' in the Wind"

Describe where you currently live: "Oxford Town"

If you could go anywhere, where would you go?: "Gates of Eden"

Your best friend is: "Mr. Tambourine Man"

Your favorite color is: "It's All Over Now, Baby Blue"

You know that: "A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall"

What's the weather life?: "Summer Days"

If your life were a TV show, what would it be called?: "All I Really Want To Do"

What is life to you?: "Like a Rolling Stone"

What is the best advice you have to give?: "Don't Think Twice, It's Alright"

If you could change your name, what would it be?: "Quinn the Eskimo"

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