Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Angels in America

I just finished Angels in America which... it's an absolute masterpiece. It's SO epic and amazing and magical and scary and cynical and hopeful. It's the kind of picture that I couldn't even IMAGINE watching with other people because I couldn't imagine suspending myself the way the movie demands with other people around. Too much cynicism between two people. And it's the kind of picture that kind of makes you feel like YOU'VE changed after you watch it. Really amazing.

I'd watched pieces of it before probably... 7 years ago and I remember feeling incredibly moved then. But I'd watched it on HBO and couldn't catch the whole thing. Plus it's 6 hours long. And I've wanted to watch it since then, but when you know you have to put your absolute most full attention on every word of a 6 hour movie, it's difficult to bring yourself to do it. 

So I finally put it to the top of my netflix, I THINK because Justin Kirk is a main character and now that I'm more familiar with him, I'm more interested in things he's in (and now I'm flat out OBSESSED with him!). And then I accidently got the 2nd disk first so I had to wait. But last night I felt up to it at about 1:30am. I thought I was just going to watch the first disk. BUUUT, and I should be able to foresee these things but somehow I never do, after the first disk ended I HAD to watch the end. 

BUUUT then it turns out that I couldn't even see straight at... I assume 5:30am although I didn't look--I've been waking up so early that I couldn't take it. So, when I found myself having to rewind to catch the words, I decided I HAD to put it down or I wouldn't get the full affect... I would waste it. 

My dreams were SOOOO CRAZY! Involving AIDS and COMPLETELY epic. Scary and sad and turbulent and poetic like the movie. And I even woke up for a few minutes this morning, but decided I couldn't stay up. And I WANTED to go back to the dream and see what happened but I figured I wouldn't be able to. But I DID! More crazy and epic AIDS dreams. I think my brain was trying to finish the movie for me. 

I'm sure they are, but I hope the people who made the film are super proud. If I ever made a film half that great, I could die completely satisfied. 

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