Saturday, July 25, 2009

Driving, Irish Music, Movie Disappointment

Driving test on Wednesday morning. And we're coming down to PA right afterwards. I feel pretty good about it, but I think I'll still have a proper amount of anxiety because I REALLY can't afford to fail. Although I'm beginning to enjoy myself... pretty much INFINITELY more and I kind of hope that I get to drive at least part of the way down to PA. Although they might not want me to because it'll be a bigger vehicle that I'm not used to. We'll see.

Also I wonder, due to the speed of my learning, if driving will be one of those things that I forget that I know. Like someone will be talking about driving and in my head I'll be like "I don't know how to drive... oh wait. Yes I do." I still do that with my age. I don't make errors out loud but in my head I'm like "I'm 17... oh wait no. I'm 21."

Today we went to the Utica Irish festival (not the official name). It was GREEAAT!! Irish music is glorious! Although I was confused because there were a LOT of people in kilts, which I thought was only a Scottish thing. Then I saw (and heard) about a jillion bagpipes and concluded that the Scottish have decided this is as close as they're going to get to their own festival. I'm not complaining at ALL! We might go back later tonight.
Side note: Young men playing their heritage instruments enthusiastically... oh yes! Oh YES!

The Proposal-- I don't WAAANT to be a ballbuster about romantic comedies. I honestly can't decide a lot of the time whether the movie is actually really bad or if I'm kind of unable to suspend myself for that genre... assuming that the romantic comedies that I continue to love I only like for nostalgic purposes. That being said, it wasn't the worst thing I've ever seen. And also I think some romantic comedies need to be seen on HBO out of boredom like 3 times before you start to really like it. Still, Ryan Reynolds is hot and endearing but I never really care about him and I don't know why. Also, I don't like my movies to have INCREDIBLY broad humor unless that's the point. Unless it's Superstar or Wayne's World or a Will Ferrell/Adam Sandler/Judd Apatow/Ben Stiller movie-- and even for those types of movies it can be too much. I just don't want to see people dancing weirdly or strange strippers or people falling down. I don't think it's funny. Although I know that not everyone feels this way (and of course, there are exceptions. Sometimes a fall is genius... but usually it's not). I'm just saying, does Julia Roberts fall down a flight of stairs? Ever? No. I don't know that they should copy Julia Roberts movies, I'm just saying there's a reason.

Sorry that I'm double paragraphing on this, but I've decided that I just need my couples to go through more in romantic comedies. I'm not saying that this will create a golden movie, but I think it's a necessary start. I need either a LOT of time between the two people or a LOOOOT of together-ness in a short period of time... and trials. Otherwise I just don't believe it. Otherwise I just can't care because I KNOW it's not going to work out... it can't be a happily ever after because I don't believe that it'll last more than a few weeks to months. And it makes it seem stupid when they treat their relationship as a breakthrough after like 2 days of nothing.

Ahhh triple paragraph! But I mentioned this to my grandpa, particularly how I'm not sure I'm very capable of enjoying new romantic comedies and he said that in the paper they said that The Ugly Truth was the nail in the romantic comedy coffin. It said that they've all been so bad lately that they should just wrap it up with that genre. Agree-sies. At least about how the recent ones have been sooo poor. Enchanted was the last good one that jumps to my mind... and I'm not sure that's even totally within the genre. Buuuuut I think this is a golden opportunity to flush out all of these shitty leads that they keep using. Let's keep Amy Adams and Rachel McAdams and I can do without Katherine Heigl (sorry... I don't hate her but...), girl from The Breakup Kid and Maid of Honor, and the girl from Watchmen, The Breakup Kid, 27 Dresses, and she was even in The Proposal... and not to be a bitch but.. I freakin' ... don't like her at all!! And I'm sorry to say that her neck/jaw might be the cause. I don't want to be that person, but I can't help how I feel about it. I will like to bring in some new talent. I want the next Julia Roberts please. Oh... and I'll keep Anne Hathaway around just in case. But... I think Kate Hudson's time is up... not to discredit her previous masterpieces. The same goes for Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, probably Sandra Bullock... you know.. etc etc (only romantic comedies... they can keep trying other genres but I just need some new talent-- I may change my mind about this but... right now I feel quite strongly).

And on a completely side subject, Leonardo DiCaprio is doing a movie, looks like horror, with Martin Scorsese called Shutter Island. I'll see it because of my faith in Leonardo DiCaprio. BUUUUT MARK RUFFALO IS IN IT! DAMN THAT GUY! I know not everyone despises him the way I do, but now every movie he's in incenses me more! ARrrg!!

I also saw Harry Potter 6 which pissed me off. I couldn't help it. I HONESTLY tried to be as open-minded as possible, but the people are REALLY not doing justice to the film. I think one of the main problems is the all-British cast. Not because they're British at all, but because it's a much smaller pool of actors. The older actors are FAIR to good, but the kids... they are really quite poor. QUIIITE poor. Plus I don't feel like the screenplay even TRIED to do justice to the books. They plodded along emphasizing just... the absolute wrong parts. I bet they dedicated an hour of the film to the relationships between the students when that could have been done with a few well placed looks (although not by these actors. Honestly, again I don't want to be a ballbuster, but Harry is supposed to be clearly lusting over Ginny but he doesn't even LOOK at her when she talks. And it's kind of hilarious because Hermione will be like "I see the way you look at her" and I'm like "I DON'T!") I just don't need a full set up when nothing even happens between any of the characters in this book.

INSTEAD they put these huge holes in the plot so that 1. my grandma was VERY rightfully confused about what's going on and 2. I don't know how they're going to jump into the next movie because they left parts out that are KEEEEY for the next one. Also, the end of that book, in my opinion, was UNBELIEVABLY dramatic and made me want to kill myself. It was just the epitome of hopelessness and fear and like... the shit went DOWN! And everything they had done seemed so futile! And I thought they should have REAAAAALLLY put the energy and extraordinary budget towards making the ending as epic and climactic as it was in the book. THAT'S the important part. THAT'S the part you remember from the book. But they cut out things, huge action pieces, which OF COURSE should be in the movies. Why the hell are we even watching the movies if not to put a picture to the incredible action!?! I thought it was COMPLETELY inexcusable and I DON'T think I'm being harsh. They have more budget and expectation than... almost all other movies. And they have a INCREDIBLE story to do justice to.

I think what sums up it's ridiculousness to me was the last line in the movie. "I never realized how great this place is." Something along those lines. I'm just saying that at the end of the book I thought MY world was over. I was in unbelievable distress! UnbeLIEVable! Because they are ALONE and their lives will NEVER be the same!!!!!!! And in this movie they didn't even look that pissed or utterly TERRIFIED the way that it really should be. Ugh. Terrible.
... Visually stunning though...

That is all.


Claire said...

Lol I like that there's a movie section now.

Anonymous said...

B-Bear I completely agree with your analysis of Harry Potter. They spent entirely too much time on relationships and not enough on the meat of the book. I feel as if the 6th book raised a lot of philosophical questions about black magic and Voldemort which were completely left out of the movie. UGH. I really hope they figure out a way to wrap it up semi nicely in the movies for the 7th book. (Although, in my opinion the 7th book was perfect... if you take out the Epilogue that made the whole series basically a trip to Disney Land: happy, peppy and no possibility of real evil/danger.)