Monday, October 12, 2009

A Bunch of Warm and Fuzzies

I LOVE the onset of seasons!!!! I LOOOOVE when people are bundled in their fall-wear! I'm probably biased, but I think fall is ESPECIALLY nice in a college, Boston setting. Some majestic old trees against the red brownstone buildings. All the students look trendy with their scarves and hats and vibrant colors and sipping on their coffees and teas with rosy cheeks and noses. People inside pouring over books and slowly eating a cup of soup. I like that the darkness sets in before 6pm and the sun is up before I can even THINK about opening my eyes. I love fresh apples and hot apple cider. I love fall playlists on your ipod-- especially when you steal someone else's fall playlist and a lot of the songs are unfamiliar but distinctly fall!

I'm procrastinating... but I just want to say that the travel mug idea-- gold! If I put a tea bag into my cup in the morning, there is no shortage of places that will give me free hot water throughout the day! Plus, it's caffeine but it doesn't FEEL like a huge body-altering amount. It doesn't feel like it'll give you a crash... but hard to say.

A little bit ago, I decided I was over my standard lipton tea bag and went to get a chai latte instead. Well they didn't accept cards and I only had $3.50 when it cost $3.91 (which I think is pretty ridiculous, especially when I was supplying my own mug...). Anyway, the girl making the chai latte ended up giving it to me for free!! Actually, more correctly, she bought it for me with her own points! And she wouldn't even accept my $3.50 in cash! How incredibly kind!!!! I've decided that my $3.50 is going to have to go to a street performer or someone homeless or something.

Also, I know that it's hard to find time, but I have to SERIOUSLY recommend getting the free podcast to NPR's This American Life. It just makes you feel REALLY good! I know that listening to radio for an hour is kind of hard, and I don't know that I would do it if my job wasn't made for listening to the radio, but... seriously. It's amazing!

Lastly, I've shown this video to a bunch of people and so... if you're bored and want 7 minutes of ... warm and fuzzies, I would recommend watching this Jon Stewart interview of a boy from Africa who built a windmill using only a library book picture and things he found. It's very cute and funny.

1 comment:

Claire said...

I loooooove fall, too! It is my FAVE. And I love tea (especially free), and I just downloaded This American Life because who doesn't want free stories?!