Saturday, October 31, 2009

How great does Good Hair, the documentary by Chris Rock, look? Unfortunately, it came out October 9th and is now in zero theaters near me. LAME!

I decided to dress up as "Blythe watching the 'No Rain' video by Blind Melon," which I think was a success/no one really asked. I seem to always forget that in addition to me consistently bitching about holiday anxiety, I ALSO consistently have a great time during holidays and feel stupid that I bitched so much. Damnit!

I want to mention that my other costume ideas were "Business Blythe" or "Blythe in a skirt." Elena pointed out the narcissism of my only costume ideas being other forms of me.

Today at the Hillel, there was excessive throwing of challah (bread) in the trash from long distances. At one point, Pat threw challah at Doug while his hands were full of other things and this was the dialogue that took place:
Pat: You forgot to catch, son.
Doug: You forgot my hands were booked, son.

My hands were booked! What a great phrase! I can't comment on the "son" part, which is also hilarious, but... I don't think I could ever pull that part off... and I don't think anyone would argue with that presumption (what is the difference between "assumption" and "presumption?"). I would write a paper on it, maybe, if I was still in Linguistic Anthropology.

Also, I talked to Julia, who is from L.A., about my self-consciousness about my clothes. Julia assured me that Boston is way more judgmental and if I can survive here, I can certainly do it there. THAT is the first testimony that I really believe and makes me feel WAY better. My grandpa also said something along the lines of L.A. being more laid back and where my people are (the way I feel about Portland), but... what does he know? He's the most east coast man around.
Yes. I feel much better now that I've talked to Julia.

Lastly, let's just watch "No Rain." I just love it so much!!

1 comment:

Claire said...

I LOVE that video! What did your costume look like?