Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Scam, Day Plans, Pre-Hypochondria

It's getting to be pretty nice being by myself all the time. Before I kept feeling like I should be with people more, but now I'm really enjoying the alone time. 

One of my three job requests got back to me yesterday. They got so far as to offer me a job and while I was very excited, I had to call Caroline and see if she thought I was being scammed. We didn't draw a conclusion but just as I hung up, Amanda called and so I asked her if she thought I was being scammed. We weren't sure either. I ended up googling it... and indeed I WAS being scammed. So... lame. 
Details: It was for a mystery shopper (which absolutely DO exist) position. But they didn't ask me to meet them or anything and the first job was to send a money order thing through Western Union. Whatever... I'm glad that I realized it was a scam, but I feel pretty confident that there was no way they would have gotten my money. 

So ANYWAY, I went to the gym again yesterday, which was awesome. But I didn't take a shower right afterwards... but my hair is DISGUSTING... like I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to bring myself to leave the house with this hair. So I could either take a shower and then go to the gym and then take a shower AGAIN... which ... I'm sad might have to be the case because I get really worried about over washing my hair... because I don't want the oils to get confused... whatever. Just know that I detest washing my hair before the 24 hour mark... and I prefer to reach the 36 or even 48 hour mark if I can. I guess it won't be terrible if I do it just once. 

But also, there is a free screening of Away We Go today at 7:30. I don't have a printer to print out the ticket so I'd have to get it done at Kinkos AND I have to be there like... an hour an a half early because... such is the way with free screenings. 

Also, tonight Amanda is coming over! And we're going to my friend Natalie's birthday ... which is the same as my birthday. So I guess I'll be buying my first legal drink tonight!

I honestly haven't decided what I want to do with my own birthday. I think that I want to get Indian food... and Amanda and Matt will be with me... and Caroline is going to hang out, if not for dinner than after. But I can't decide if I want to make everyone feel like they have to come. I'm leaning towards no since it would be tomorrow. 

Also, I feel a little bit like my body is falling apart... which is weird because I thought I'd been doing some pretty good things with it recently. I'm going to list what I am referring to which... surely is the first step to hypochondria.

1. I just started getting allergies. I never remember having allergies before these past few months. The other day it was almost as if I had a cold. I couldn't sing in the shower because I kept sneezing. It was bizarre. 

2. I now basically need to wear my glasses all the time... anytime I'm going to actually be focusing on something far away. You see (ha), only one of my eyes is bad... but it's like way worse than the other, but my 20/20 eye would compensate so I could see perfectly unless my good eye was being compromised. But I got the glasses so that my bad eye would stay strong so I wouldn't get lazy eye. I was supposed to wear them for an hour a day. But now I need to wear them all the time because either my "good eye" is getting worse (likely a little... but it's actually not that much worse) or my bad is just always on the ball now and it's compromising my vision when I don't wear glasses (I'm pretty sure this is the case because if I look at a screen from far away with both eyes, it's difficult for me to read it, but if I use only my good eye, I can read it better. If I put on my glasses, I can read it the best

3. I had a huge headache the other day that I couldn't get rid of for a while. I guess that isn't my body breaking down per se... but it sucked. And more importantly, I couldn't determine the cause because I haven't really been drinking caffeine, so it wasn't related to too much or too little caffeine.. and I am almost positive I wasn't dehydrated... although I had drank a lot of water just in case. After probably 1.5 hours of drinking water and tea.. I remembered that I could just take ibuprofen. I think that worked but I may have gone to sleep or something. Hard to say. 

1 comment:

Claire said...

Two (possibly pointless) things:

1. I LOVE being alone. Even if that's weird. I basically can't live without alone time, I spend 8AM to 4PM completely alone most days in the summer, and I could not love it more. I like hanging out with people, too, obviously, but I totally understand your affinity for alone time.

2. I almost always take a shower in the morning, and then I usually end up working out at night. Sometimes I just deal with the sweat and let it, um.. go away? before I go to bed, but if it's really unbearable, I take a rinse shower and don't wash my hair. I have no idea why I'm going into this much detail, but I really wanted to tell you how I deal with the too much shampoo-ing thing!