Friday, June 5, 2009

Away We Go, My birthday, and ... Ken

So many things!

First of all, I DID go to the free screening of Away We Go and I REALLY enjoyed it! I really love character driven movies! AAAAND pregnancy is my favorite genre... particularly teen pregnancy but any will do. And John Krasinski was SO CUTE I could have shot myself in the face! Like... SUPER cute! Like... if I (in my dream beyond dreams) had to choose between Jim from The Office and Burt from Away We Go, I would choose Burt. Very tender. Better than I expected. I REALLY want to see it again, and I shant feel bad when I do because I got in for free the first time. 

Also it was my 21st birthday! Amanda came up and we went out and celebrated with Natalie, who shares my birthday (and a BUNCH of other people too). I had my first legal drink, which was some birthday shot that Caroline bought for me, and I got a cosmopolitan... 'cause I'm classy/ influenced by Sex and the City. And then Amanda and went home and she had gotten me a cake, which was delicious. 

Then the next day we woke up to the love-making upstairs at around 11:30am, which I must say, Amanda doesn't think is quite as fun to wake up to as I do. We putzed around (I am sooo nearly done with The Time Traveler's Wife! It is greaaaat!!)and watched The Office all day (so... basically what I do every day) punctuated by phone calls from my family. Then we went out to get Indian food with some people. And then everyone (Pretty, Matt, Amanda, Cayla, Olivia, Steph, and Caroline) came back to my place and we drank a little and played on (DON'T GO THERE UNLESS YOU ARE BORED... or else you'll NEVER escape!).

Also, I want to mention that Caroline has a Zipcar subscription (I don't know if it's called a "subscription") and it's SUPER awesome. You pay $50 a year and then you can have access to these cars... which are real cars. They are parked in parking lots all over and you just reserve them online for the exact hours you're going to use them and then you pay $9 an hour for the car. And you don't even have to fill it up with gas! So Caroline got one the other day to run some errands, pick up her visiting friend, Sam, from South Station and she also helped me get my box of movies and my box of paints and my guitar from her apartment and Cayla's apartment. Then we went back to Olivia, Steph, and Raven's place and chilled for the night. it was great. 

Ok but the real story is (and I couldn't decide whether or not I was going to write it or not.. but I guess I am) is that when I was in the theater alone waiting for Away We Go, I ended up talking to this guy next to me for a while... which... isn't really unusual for me... I talk to strangers quite regularly as... I feel most people who know me know. So whatever, we talked about movies and stuff for about a half hour. He used to live in LA because he wanted to write for movies and he goes to free screenings all the time. Whatever whatever. The movie starts, we watch it, he says MAYBE one thing to me during the movie.. but it wasn't annoying or anything. 

Then the movie ends and I turn to him and say: 
Blythe: Well I really enjoyed it. 
Ken: Me too. It's playing again next week. Do you want to go?
Blythe: (To the movie... we just saw?) Um... sure. 
Ken: Ok let me give you my number when we leave the theater. 

We leave the theater. Exchange numbers. I am now nervous. We walk out to get the T. 

Ken: If this was a date, it would have been my best date in years. 
Blythe: haha... thanks
Ken: Can I ask you something?
Blythe: Go ahead. 
Ken: Are you single?
Blythe: Yes. 
Ken: Good
Blythe: I'd better go though.
Ken: Why?
Blythe: Well my friend is here from New York because it's my birthday tomorrow (*Which we had previously discussed) and she's just putzing around in the city until I let her into my apartment. 
Ken: Oh well can I have a birthday hug. 
Blythe: umm sure...

We hug. I leave. 
Ok. That's the kind of cute part, albeit I once again proved that I can not be trusted with strangers. Whatever. If I was telling this story in person, I am pretty sure I might be a little more specific about what I think about him at this point, but here I'll just write that I didn't walk away swooning... which ... you know... doesn't mean anything... except you know what I mean. Ok. 

So in the T my cellphone doesn't work because it's underground. When I emerge, Ken and I have the following text conversation:
(Note: Please try not to judge neither the fact that this happened NOR the my actually typing it out this way... both will be VERY hard to refrain from judging)


Ken(9:16pm): So did I enter the number right?

Blythe: yeah you did!

Ken (9:25pm) I’m proud of myself. I almost was a coward and didn’t ask for your number

Blythe: haha I wouldn’t have been able to do that

Ken (9:30pm): do what? 

Blythe: I’ve never asked for anyone’s number before

Ken (9:32pm) Were you hoping I would ask?

Blythe: haha I honestly hadn’t thought about it

Ken (9:34pm) Oh I sat through the movie trying to figure out how to ask

Blythe: haha well I hope you got to enjoy the movie!

Ken (9:36pm) I did. So u were surprised I asked?

Blythe: I was

Ken (9:37pm): Why I thought we hit it off

Blythe: haha well I’m going to go out with my friends and I might not answer as much. I just don’t want you to think I’m ignoring you. But give me a call later in the week.

Ken (9:40pm): That’s fine

Ken (9:40pm) I’ll at least call tomorrow for ur birthday

Blythe: oh thanks

Ken (9:42pm) Thanks for the hug


Ken (12:00am): Happy birthday

Ken (9:40am) Good morning and happy birthday

Blythe (3:10pm) Thank you!

Ken (3:16pm) You are welcome. Getting shit faced tonight?

Blythe: haha we’ll see...

Ken (3:18pm) No flashing anyone :)

Ken (3:25pm) U said u had facebook right?

Ken (9:11pm) So how trashed are U?

Blythe: it’s 9:30!

Ken (9:35pm) So it’s an important birthday :)


Ken (12:21pm) Are u hungover? :)

Blythe (9:40pm) I did not get hungover. But I had a lot of fun!

Then he accidentally called me, or something. 

Ken (10:27pm) Sorry in car with nephew

Ken (10:40pm) We went and saw the hangover


Blythe (12:12am): Really? And?

Ken (12:26am) I loved it saw it last week

Ken (10:24am) I’m sorry about last night

Blythe (3:42pm) What are you sorry about?

Ken (3:53pm) Not answering ur call last night

Blythe: I thought you called me accidentally. I didn’t mean to call you

Ken (3:55pm) Oh ok. Any plans for the weekend?

Blythe: I’m going to see up with my friend tonight

Ken (3:57pm) I have my nephews graduation tonight. I sent u a friend request on facebook

Blythe: I know and thank you. I just feel like that’s a lot of information to give at once... I just want to be cautious. If and when I know you better we can be facebook friends.

Ken (4:03pm) Oh ok. I just thought we could get to know each other. I enjoyed talking with u and would like to see u again

Blythe: Well we were already going to go to another movie. I just hve so much on facebook and I just want to make sure I’m not being careless with myself. 

Ken (4:07pm) I just thought we hit it off pretty good. I guess I saw it differently than u

Blythe:That’s not what I’m saying. I am just saying that regardless of what I think about anyone, I feel unwise giving someone I just met all of my information

Ken (4:10pm) Did u think we hit it off? Did you walk away interested?

Blythe: I said yes. I didn’t mean to upset you but... I can’t do something that makes me feel insecure

Ken (4:23pm) Its not upsetting, its ok. I just thought u were really cute and i think we’d have a lot in common

Blythe: Well thank you. I just need to know you longer. But we can still go to a movie

Ken (4:25pm) Ur welcome

Ken (4:27pm) Would u be interested in hanging out and watching a dvd sometime?

Blythe: Maybe but how about we do something public first

Ken (4:30pm) Sure just seeing if that’s something u could see doing with me

Blythe: I think so (*I would say that was my stupidest line)

Ken (4:33pm) Good me too. U have any questions for me?

Blythe: Like what?

Ken (4:53pm) Anything ud ask a guy

Also... he's 32. 

1 comment:

Claire said...

I am just waiting for this Ken guy to somehow get this blog address and see his whole text convo online. But I liked reading it.

I'm SO glad you love The Time Traveler's Wife! But I'm not sure if that darn movie is ever going to come out... it's been pushed back a lot apparently because the author of the book hated the movie! :(

And I'm glad you had a good birthday!! Aaaand I now can't wait to see Away We Go!