Saturday, June 6, 2009

Media Run Down

This morning, after watching a weeks worth of Stewart and starting my Colbert, I decided to search all the late night websites for John Krasinski again and he WAS on Letterman the other day! Very short interview but I learned something new. Anyway, I purposely didn't say it before, but the ONLY thing that bothered me about Away We Go was that in some parts, particularly when it's just Maya and John, John Krasinski is GOLDEN! Like, he gets the character perfectly! But there are like... 3 parts where he, to me, seems to be slipping into Jim from The Office. But like... overall, there is more gold than not... but the three parts where I think he wasn't as good are the part where he talks to his parents, the parts with Allison Janney, and parts with Maggie Gyllenhaal (I know that seems like most of the movie, but it's not). If I had to guess (and I shouldn't be so presumptuous but I will), I would say that in The Office, he pretty much plays the straight man, the relatable one, the observer of all the crazy around him. But in this movie, he's a character just like everyone else... obviously not quite so crazy as Dwight, but still, he's quirkier than Jim. And so when he's the quirkiest in the scene, ie: when he's only with Maya Rudolph, he nails it. But when the scene has an even quirkier character, and he's observing and judging them, he slips into the straight man. That would be my guess anyway. 

The other thing I have to mention is that I bought Sims 3 yesterday. Now... yesterday was June 5 and it came out the on June 2nd... so I had self restraint for nearly 3 whole days. But it's my only non-money gift for my birthday. So... there. I don't want to give a full report yet, but I did play for like.. a jillion years yesterday. 

Also, here are some other movie reviews: 

1. Pride and Prejudice (BBC): Something that struck me about this movie was that I got, I'm pretty sure, no more information from this 6 hour version than I did in the 2 hour Kiera Knightly version. I don't know how that's possible. Also, I was not bored.. it never really dragged.... so it's kind of an enigma. I still don't think it's the GREATEST love story ever like a lot of people always make it out to be, but I was still pumped that they got together at the end. Also, the Elizabeth Bennet character looked like Jewel. 

2. Sarah Silverman: Jesus is Magic: It's a stand up show but... she is HILARIOUS!!! But I'm not sure if she some people would be really offended by her. I assume they would. But I've watched in 3 times!!! FUNNY!

3. The Other Sister: Very sweet and funny. Not much else to say about it. I mean... it's super straightforward, obviously unbelievably predictable, but sometimes it's just nice to watch something that seems really pure. Just to remember (or hope?) that it happens. 

4. The Ten: I'd never heard of it and both Paul Rudd and Winona Ryder are EXTREMELY hit or miss... although I always like them individually. Anyway, super low budget but funny enough. It might be a little weird to be accepted by like... a huge audience. 

5. Ma Vie En Rose: NOT to be confused with LA Vie En Rose. This one is about a little 7 year old girl in a boys body and how the family, who is initially supportive breaks down when the community is shitty. I really liked the perspective because I don't think you'd see it in an American film. I'm not positive, but I feel like an American movie would either have parents that were completely against their child, or parents that were like... starting a rally about it, some sort of hero movie. This one is parents trying to at least not be like... terrible but it's hard because it ends up affecting their job and home and stuff. Frustrating. 

6. Dan in Real Life: Shmeh. It's exactly what you'd expect... I didn't really need to see it. It was well done but there wasn't anything special about it. 

7. Nature: From Orphan to King: This was the Julia Roberts' orangutan special. It wasn't as amazing as I thought it might be, considering how crazy awesome orangutans are. I just didn't learn that much... although, of course, I got sad.  And Julia Roberts wasn't really in it, although usually stars are just in them so people will take notice... so I wasn't that shocked. 

8. Sex and Breakfast: Terrible movie with Macaulay Culkin about people trying to revive their relationships with group sex. But sometimes I just like to watch a shitty movie, ESPECIALLY with Mac (Party Monster!).

9. The Last Word: It's Winona Ryder, Ray Romano, and the guy who likes the bag in American Beauty. Basically the bag guy plays the SAME character... and it's like.. the same music as American Beauty. The premise is that the bag guy rights suicide notes for a living... and he met Winona because he wrote her brother's suicide note and then the whole Three's Company thing happens with him pretending he was a friend from college etc etc etc. What I want to know is, how am I supposed to believe that someone could make a living off of suicide notes. Even in the biggest city in the world, you're not going to get enough people to PAY for their suicide notes to sound smart and deep. Plus, the guy would have sessions with the clients, make them keep a journal so that he could use their real thoughts. I just can't suspend my belief for that. I can watch Star Trek and believe for 2 hours, but that's too ridiculous. 

Finished The Time Traveler's Wife. That was amazing! I loved it. 

My next movies are Cider House Rules, This is Spinal Tap, and Run Lola Run.
And also I am LIKELY seeing Up! with Matt today, which I heard was AMAZING!

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