Monday, June 22, 2009

Peace, Frustration, and Movies

Several things. 

1. As I have mentioned many times, I LOVE late night TV. I've taken to the habit of looking on and for interviews when I know someone great has a movie coming out. That's how I knew about John Krasinski... because I specifically stalked Conan, Fallon, Letterman, and Ferguson for him. So naturally I've been regularly searching for Michael Cera. And here's the deal. He was on Letterman (which is my favorite amongst the four for interviews) on June 19th. BUUUUT CBS doesn't put the interviews up right away. We're only up to the 16th as of... 5 minutes ago. I shall be ungrateful and announce that it is torture. Thank GOODNESS NBC doesn't do that. I don't know what I would have done if I had to wait a week to watch The Office when I missed it. 
(I'm not REALLY angry obviously. I'm absolutely grateful that I CAN watch shows online. Or that we even HAVE internet. Or that they even DO the shows. For real for real.)

2. I pretty much have peace with what I'm doing. I think the driving thing made it WAY better. Or maybe just that I told my grandpa, which seems weird, even to me. 

3. I NEED to clean the bathtub. I made an attempt with an entire bottle of drain unclogger which was actually IN the apartment. But it also LITERALLY did nothing. Since I'm on such an incredibly tight budget, I REALLY don't want to spend $12 on Draino when the other one didn't work. Nevertheless, I believe I am going to be facing quite a bit of company and ... I'll just die with the tub in the condition it's in right now. 

4. The other day I decided to make rosemary chicken and then put it all in tupperware and then eat it as meals. My primary concern for this plan was that I would end up eating it too quickly. Buuuut that didn't happen. Instead, my error was that I UNDERCOOKED IT! I put that in caps because this is the ONLY MEAL I can make and I can't even get it. And I've been cooking it regularly for over a year!  And I REGULARLY burn it too. And I won't quickly forget the vinegar fiasco. Maybe I just honestly can't cook. I don't know how this is possible because cooking is seemingly all directions. Here are the things that infuriate me about cooking: 

a. Tools required. I need a specific pan for baking chicken. I need a huge pot for soups. I need big bowls to make cookies. So many things!! And those are for simple things. Most of the recipes in my recipe book require pots and pans that I do not have. 

b. Ingredients. The problem is things like "1 teaspoon of paprika" and then paprika is like... $6 for a tiny bit of it. Or like... 1/2 cup of half and half, which is even worse because it spoils quickly and ... I would never use half and half in any other circumstances. I want to just cut them out because... the paprika seems so insignificant... how could I taste 1 teaspoon of anything? And why half and half? Couldn't I just use whole milk? And that's why my things taste weird. 

c. You have to WATCH the food. I stayed in the kitchen with the rosemary chicken the entire time, which I directly blame for the fact that it's underdone. It LOOKS gorgeous though. But the last time I DIDN'T watch the food, I completely burnt it. I think I prefer it burnt, but it makes the pans really hard to clean, and I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to eat burnt things because burning things makes them chemically different and thus potentially harmful. 

I guess my husband will just have to eat sandwiches when I cook. And I'll invite my mom over for Thanksgiving and we can make the turkey "together."

5. Yesterday morning, after neither washing nor brushing my hair in two days, I bought an ivy plant and a coke at 6am at the grocery store. I WOULD think that the guy at the register thought I was strange or wondered what I was doing... but that's pretty presumptuous. Cashiers, in my experience, do not care at all what you buy and when because they don't notice. A good cashier at a grocery store finds a place in their own mind and stays there. The only thing I ever even noticed was when people bought 70 bottles of salad dressing. Although one guy bought like... 20 frozen dinners and felt inclined to tell me that they weren't for him. 

5 pt. 2. I've been wanting to get a companion for my jade plant for a while because it just SEEMS like it would be healthier... although that's probably me anthropomorphizing my plant. BUUUT I couldn't get one that blooms because I feel like it would take away from the jade. But I think the ivy is complimentary... like the odd couple but no one is bigger and brighter. And, in retrospect, I'm also glad I got the ivy because I really like them both as names. Jade and Ivy. 

Now some movies/shows: 

Watched more of The Tudors and I DEFINITELY think the problem is that I know what's going to happen. It really does kind of ruin the suspense. In the last episode I watched, the sweating plague was upon them... but I KNEW Henry would live... and Anne and even Katherine of Aragon... so I wasn't that worried even though they spent a lot of time making HIM worried. Also they have a story line with a gay minstrel guy... but I have no idea what he has to do with the Henry story except that he's THERE. But like... he never interacts with Henry. And he isn't even a noble or anything. He has a little affair with one of Henry's closer men... but like the guy isn't even THAT close with Henry AND he just died. I'm pretty sure they were just trying to get the gay demographic. 

I also STARTED to watch the first episode of Californication. My grandpa doesn't really like it but he doesn't know why. I THOUGHT I really liked David Duchovny. I really like his face. But one time I bought a movie with him and Minnie Driver for like... $3 called Return to Me and I REALLY disliked it, so much that I gave it away or sold it or something because I couldn't have it ruining the integrity of my collection. So I watched the beginning of the show (you can watch it instantly on netflix) and in the first 5 minutes I was like... "wait a minute. Maybe I hate David Duchovny." Now, I was tired so I decided to sleep instead of pressing on, so that isn't a fair assessment. But he seems like an incredibly poor actor. And even though I am very comforted by his face sometimes, I don't think I've ever enjoyed him onscreen. In fact, the only time I even remember liking his face was when I remember him distinctly on the cover of a magazine with his wife (whom he has since cheated on in life... because of his sex-addiction... ... ) about 5 or 6 years ago and I remember thinking how ... I don't know exactly. But they were comforting. After writing this, I kind of dislike him even more. I don't know why that one picture affected me so greatly. 

I also watched a movie called The Governess with Tom Wilkinson, Minnie Driver, and a quite young Jonathan Rhys-Meyers. I basically have no opinion because I chose it quickly because I wanted something to paint to... which means something that I wouldn't be upset that I didn't watch carefully. It was incredibly standard about a jewish girl who pretends to be gentile to make money as a governess to feed her family after her father dies. Then she has an affair with the dad, who is just inventing photography. And the son falls in love with her. But nothing really dramatic happens. No one finds out, really. When he learns she's jewish he... neither cares nor is accepting. Like... he doesn't make a scene about it. And (I'm going to spoil it because no one will ever watch it) in the end she steals his lenses that he's been working on and shows the wife of him sleeping naked... and she makes a photography business back at home... and he finds her and he isn't even upset and they don't even get back together... and there is no begging.  You do get to see a little of Jonathan Rhys Meyer's penis... and a lot of Tom Wilkinson. So I guess I do have an opinion. Not good. I need more drama in my dramas. 

I watched Water Lilies which I found to be VERY good. It's a french film and it's about a lesbian who's like... 15. It was very good. I don't want to say anything else about it. 

Vicky Christina Barcelona. First of all, it's kind of the best name ever. Also, I didn't know it was a Woody Allen movie until the beginning... like I didn't know that is what I was getting into and when his name popped up during the opening music I was like "ooh wait...". I definitely like Woody Allen movies, but... you kind of have to put on your Woody Allen cap to watch one. For instance, his characters talk a LOT, which I KNOW is to get a feeling of reality, and that works. And his endings always seem to be disconcerting. Like... you could tell a Woody Allen ending from... whatever else. That being said, I enjoyed the movie. And Penelope Cruz WAS fantastic and she deserved that oscar. And Scarlett Johansson was fine. She didn't annoy me in this film... even though she WAS the same. 

I watched Run Lola Run, which was trippy as hell!! And it gives you a lot of anxiety. I was jumpy watching the whole thing. A LOT of it is just Lola running and I kept saying out loud "RUN!!" So I guess it's the most appropriate title ever. But also it was super fast paced and fast cuts and like... fast circling around things and it was basically ALL to techno music except at super dramatic parts. Very cool. ALTHOUGH my disk was messed up for like... the VEEEERRRRY end so .. I was PIISSSEEED, although not at netflix because this has never happened before in the ... 7ish months that I've had it... AND they don't even wait until the damaged one gets to them before they send you a new one. That's more than fair. So, in summation, I was pissed because I really wanted to see the ending, but it was aimed at no one. But anyway,  I tried to look it up online, but I could only get it from some sort of Asian site and it had only Asian subtitles... and it's a German movie. So, netflix is going to send me a new copy. Nevertheless, even though I missed literally the last 1-2 minutes, I can say with conviction that it was good. I don't think the last minute could ruin it. 

I also watched Skipped Parts which I rented because Bug Hall, Alfalfa in The Little Rascals, was in it and it was rated R "for sexual situations, some involving young teens." It was basically like a story someone would write in screenwriting. Like... you have something that you really want to happen (little girl, Mischa Barton, getting pregnant in an interesting way) but... then you just half-ass the story around it. Like... technically it's narrated by Bug, who is going to be a writer, but... that's such a lame way to make a story. Nothing really WITHIN the story convinced me that his being a writer was important EXCEPT that that was the only way they could make the story happen. And the little girl hated Bug until he comforted her when JFK died... which is such a cop-out, I think. It's just like... assholes hated JFK and good-guys like him... so if you stick his death in there, it's an easy way to make the audience hate some people and love the others. Lame. Also Mischa Barton is a terrible actress... and so is Bug Hall kind of... I was not convinced by either of them...but they were children and most children can only do so much. But it was cute when they held hands or slept together in their little PJs. Also I just remembered that Drew Barrymore is kind of in it in the kid's fantasies. I think if it wasn't Bug Hall, I'd be more convinced. He's cute as HELL though. And I mean that in the little kid way.

Lastly, I watched The Basketball Diaries, which was THE most standard plot line about kids on drugs ever. Mostly it just seemed like the person who wrote it didn't actually live it... although it was a true story about a guy who wrote books and poetry and did a one man show about it... and maybe he just had the most standard experience possible. That being said, I couldn't help but enjoy a quite young Leo DiCaprio and Mark Wahlberg and some guys I didn't know playing basketball, causing trouble in NYC, doing drugs, and ... not too much sex... but some. I have to enjoy that. The movie just wasn't that stimulating... in my mind at least. 

Wow... that was more movies than I feel like I watched. 

AND I've been playing a LOOOOT of the Sims. I've made an incredibly successful family... at the expense of my own personal shame. It's Isaac and Zelda (I didn't name Zelda) and their sons Alastor and Silas. And the other family I made is a mother named Ava and her adopted son that I named August. 
I don't care. I don't CARE about the shame.  

1 comment:

Claire said...

This is going to be a long comment.

1. When I had Netflix I think I had like the same exact movie taste as you, because I saw The Basketball Diaries (kind of lame, yeah) and Water Lilies was recommended to me and I almost rented it.

2. The easiest meal ever that I make like 3 times a week: stick whatever vegetables you have in the fridge (tomatoes, zucchini, green beans, mushrooms, whatevs) in a pan/skillet with some olive oil and garlic, sautee til you're satisfied, and serve over pasta. And you can add sesame oil or soy sauce or really anything if you want, but oil and garlic is fine by itself. And usually I make a whole pound of pasta and put what I don't eat in the fridge and the next day I reheat it in the skillet with the veggies and stuff. It's GREAT and sooo easy.

/end ridiculously long comment.