Thursday, January 15, 2009

Classes/Baby It's Cold Outside

Great day today.

First of all, the books have been located!!! Thank goodness!

Second of all, I officially have about $130. Thank GOD!


Fourth, video production 2 seems awesome!! We're going to make a mini documentary, then I think we're going to produce our own version of a Twilight Zone script, and THEN we're going to have a final project. But even COOLER is that there are only 6 people in the class, myself included, and I'm the only one who isn't a grad student!! But, I didn't FEEL like I knew significantly less than the grad students AAAAAND I'm pretty sure this will be a REALLY awesome learning experience!

Actually, I just realised that I didn't say anything about my other classes. So I'll tell you!

Chinese anthropology: I could not be more thrilled and inspired to learn. Over last summer, I manically tried to get in this ritual anthropology class because on ratemyprofessor, this professor got like... AMAZING reviews. I did not realize when I chose Chinese anthro that it was the same professor!!! But also, when do you EVER get to really learn about China? I'm super excited!!

Television and Childhood: Really fun in terms of work!! Already had the professor and I know she really likes me (btw, I already had my video production 2 professor too... and I'm REALLY in love with him!!). Although, I do imagine, based on the first class, that I will be whole heartedly against children's television by the end of the class. All my other classes make me feel like television is pretty great and has integrity. This makes me feel like we're just making children fucked up consumers....

Screenwriting: PRETTY fun... I'm still actually reserving judgement. I don't really know yet. She's a middle aged woman and the first thing she said when she got in the room was for everyone to turn off their cellphone... which seems a little... ... obnoxious. Certainly more annoying than someone's phone accidently going off... which hardly ever happens anyway! But aside from that... it was perfectly fun and interesting.

So tomorrow/this weekend, I'm going to:
a) Try to do my homework. My screenwriting discussion was canceled so I only have an hour of Chinese anthro tomorrow. I have SO MUCH READING to do!! 100+ TECHNICALLY due tomorrow for anthro (but he said Monday is fine), 2 chapters of a book for screenwriting on Wednesday, and 5 chapters for 2 weeks from now. Plus I have to come up with a documentary idea (I have an idea that I can't divulge quite yet)/ get permission to actually shoot said idea, a thesis I might want to prove about current children's television due in 2 weeks, and an idea for a script for a short film that should be about 7 pages and can have only 2 lines of dialogue due next Wednesday. Crazy.
b) Think about that job. I think I just have to bite the bullet and see if I can get a job at Warren dining hall. I just don't forsee an easier job to get that will be regular and flexible. And THEN I can just save the money from that job and spend the money from the one I have. I honestly don't want to do it though. But I'm sure it will be fun-ish when I actually do it.
c) Vaccuum the TV stuff/clean my room.
d) Get groceries so I don't starve.
e) Get MORE books from the library.
f) I'm DEFINITELY watching Slumdog Millionaire at LEAST one more time before it's out of theaters. So ... that's going to happen.
g) I'm probably going to watch Bride Wars because... why not? I want The Reader to come to my theater, please!!

Last thing... it's COLD, DUDE! Like the kind of cold that gives you a brain freeze from the outside. The high is like 5 degrees tomorrow!! That's BEASTLY!!


Claire said...

I am really jealous of your classes! I hope mine are at least half as interesting!!

Claire said...

I also love the new banner!