Monday, September 15, 2008

More on Awkward Brad and some Critical Information

Not to keep dwelling on this, but here is what my mom told me in response to my email about how this Brad is being weird:

I just went through all my emails again and unless he used some other name or something then I rec'd nothing from him and I am so sory that your in the middle of this because it is weird that he keeps talking to you like your a friend of his or something when he's older than I am. you can give him my address one more time and if he can't get it right then just block him ok?! Thank you. Love MOM

BUT in other news, I finished my first video-ish shoot on Saturday. It looks hilarious, but it's supposed to look shitty so that's ok. But my actors (Caroline and Jenn) were very cooperative and wonderful!

Also, we had the preliminary try-outs for Chordially Yours (Chords (my a capella group)) which was KIND OF fun... but actually more tiring than you might think. BUT I have faith that we'll pick some gems out of our 60 auditioners. Tuesday is our call back!

It is important to note that I discovered (/was told by Rachael) that you can put pictures onto a disk (from ANYWHERE!) and bring them to CVS and they print them out like ACTUAL pictures for $.29 per picture. I've made 19 miscellaneous ones so far, but obviously plan on spending all of my money there from now on! It's just SO GOOD TO KNOW! I hope they never get rid of that feature! I've already made a new Chords poster!

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