Tuesday, October 21, 2008

100 Things That Make Me Happy

I was reading Natalya's blog and she decided to write down 100 things that make her happy. I think it's a nice excercize and also it made ME really happy when I read it. Because I accidently took a 6 hour nap yesterday, I ended up being really awake for most of the night. I didn't do anything wise. Nay. I decided to make my own list, which actually took a lot less time than I thought it would. It's really easy to find 100 things that make you happy. ANYWAY, I was going to put them in a PDF so they wouldn't take up a tone of room. Unfortunately, I don't know how. So... they ARE going to take up the room... whatever.

  1. fresh-picked apples
  2. crying out of happiness
  3. REALLY understanding a song
  4. really ripe tomatoes
  5. the excitment before a movie plays in the theater
  6. the silhouette of buildings on the sky at twilight
  7. chatting with strangers on the street
  8. when my voice feels perfect
  9. when a song comes on the radio that I haven't heard in a decade
  10. road trips with my mom
  11. talking to my grandpa on the phone
  12. finishing a painting
  13. uncontrollable laughter
  14. finishing the best paper
  15. starting a book you've anticipated
  16. watching an AMAZING movie for the first time
  17. pickles and movies with Claire
  18. waking at 5am and then going back to sleep
  19. watching kids play outside with eachother
  20. genuinely wanting the very BEST for someone
  21. noses being red from the cold
  22. really windy days
  23. perfectly blended voices singing
  24. taking a picture that perfectly captures the moment
  25. being COMPLETELY inspired by someone
  26. the "No Rain" video by Blind Melon
  27. the "Wear Sunscreen" song by Baz Luhrmann
  28. reading the personal quotes of celebrities on imdb
  29. vibrant colors
  30. candle light
  31. dusk
  32. the onset of seasons
  33. passionate people
  34. seeing a mixed race, gay, or old couple on the street
  35. the smell of cinnamon
  36. when people tell me how happy or excited they are
  37. walking my dog
  38. catching someone smiling to themself
  39. really enjoying your food
  40. when you realize a goal came to fruition
  41. having a really good idea
  42. the smell of incense
  43. when you take a minute to reflect on your complete happiness
  44. when someone uses your phrase
  45. that anything you want to know is on the internet
  46. giving money to street performers
  47. reading in the park
  48. when people want to play cards or board games
  49. changing into dry clothes when you're wet from playing in the snow
  50. when everyone in the room knows all the words to a song
  51. when someone plays the accoustic guitar
  52. going back to colorado
  53. feeling like I made a good decision
  54. the feeling of my hair after a haircut
  55. being in the rain
  56. being on a balcony
  57. walking outside at 6am
  58. when strangers offer you help
  59. when dads call you "darlin'"
  60. having a catch
  61. when a word looks perfect in cursive
  62. when i know someone read my blog
  63. reading outloud to a listener
  64. when all your laundry is clean
  65. being with Claire and Natalya together
  66. when someone visits
  67. the feeling of your teeth after the dentist
  68. being REALLY obsessed with something, even if it's trivial
  69. performing
  70. seeing a great live performance
  71. camping
  72. when people dress for winter
  73. enthusiastic carolers
  74. learning something COMPLETELY new
  75. inside jokes
  76. telling the perfect story
  77. using a specific public transportation for the first time
  78. aimlessly wandering the city
  79. when you smell something that triggers a distinct memory
  80. Auntie Anne's pretzels
  81. being able to teach something
  82. when your hair looks great
  83. re-reading a great book
  84. reading a very personal blog
  85. watching any of my top 5 movies
  86. receiving a long letter
  87. looking at old pictures
  88. crying during a movie
  89. optimistically imagining the future
  90. getting my cuticles clipped
  91. singing as loud as I can
  92. wearing a flow-y skirt
  93. puppies and kittens (for REAL-- cannot be overlooked)
  94. when you run your cold hands under warm water
  95. the imax
  96. going to the childrens museum or zoo
  97. when I'm aware of my actions in reference to the environment and the people in the rest of the world
  98. staying up really late
  99. sleeping when you're exhausted
  100. being happy for no reason at all

1 comment:

Claire said...

HA, I haven't read your list yet, but I JUST started doing this TOO! Natalya is a wonderful lady.