Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sad for McCain

I was watching The Daily Show today (as I now do every Monday through Thursday (woo!)) and he showed both of these clips (seriously watch them, it's like 2 minutes). Now, Jon kind of harped on how McCain implied that being Arab is different from being a good family man, which I'm certain was an error on McCain's part. BUT I was sooooo bummed out by the entire situation. I think it's because it's EXACTLY what my grandpa was saying about how introducing Palin was irresponsible because she is inspiring the crazies! After bringing up the Bill Ayers thing, which we all KNOW is a ridiculous association, I've seen at least 4 clips (if not more) of people shouting at their speeches about Obama being a terrorist or that he should be killed!!! And now I think McCain feels really shitty about it! Especially since he used to say that it's dispicable to do those negative ads. And really, no matter what, one of them is going to be the President. It sucks that we've had all of these years of Bush, who I feel we could put absolutely NO faith in. But in a time when we're all really worried about what is going to happen to us individually, and what's going to happen to all of these citizens of the United States and the world, we have to put some faith into our President. Dividing the people so harshly, particularly by bringing out the terrible social issues, is going to help nothing. And we don't want people being afraid of our leader. It SHOULD be a decision on who meets the most of your opinions. Not who you don't fear. Because both candidates have lived in our country and have legitimate ideas and confidence for running it.

Anyway, I feel sad because I think McCain knows he was being a douche bag. I hope he's been been bitching Palin out. I'm not sure if it's an awkward bias or sexism or something... I hope it's not, but I just REALLY feel like Palin is the mom of someone from high school who volunteered to be a big part of a trip or something and takes over like she knows EVERYTHING even though she's really fucking it up. And in your head/ to your friends you're like "Man, __________'s mom is a HUUUUGE douche! This trip isn't fun anymore and I just know ______________ (who's running the trip) is pretty pissed that he/she had no better volunteers!" She's the same woman who isn't happy very often but has that REALLY ominous smile all the time, as though you could be fooled. I feel like it's the same woman who, when you're being bad, tells her husband who pretends to give a shit so mom won't get angry at him... which is an awkward combination of enforcing the idea that the man runs the house, while still being a total douche-nozzle!

THIS IS NOT MY MOM, fyi. My mom is not a shithead. This MIGHT be my bitchy grandma. She IS a shithead!

Also, I'm pretty sure that it isn't awkward sexism because I did/do NOT feel this way about Hilary Clinton! I think she would have been an EXCELLENT leader and I nearly voted for her for the primary. I changed my mind because after I saw Obama's speech about race responding to the Reverend Wright thing, I decided that even though I thought Hilary would probably be the best if we really want universal health care (which I do) because that's her THANG, and it's hard to say who would be better in terms of the environment or the war (or now the economy, which I didn't consider during the primaries). But I decided that Obama stood for unity in our country, and change to make us a less dog eat dog nation. I thought Hilary made the people too divided.

And so it all goes 'round!

1 comment:

Elana said...

I totally agree that Obama is for uniting people and McCain is for division even though both say they are bipartisan. It's a crazy election!