Friday, October 17, 2008

TV-- Talk Shows in Particular

I am now experiencing a TV obsession I think. I'm going to place blame on both the election and my producing 1 class. So here's the sitch:

Yesterday I made plans to hang out with Caroline, but upon remembering the Presidential debate, I considered not hanging out to watch it. Fortunately she also wanted to watch it. So we did. That's fine, if not awesome. But then I had to get home to watch The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. And then I watched the end of The Late Show with David Letterman and all of The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. And at some point, although I can't recall when, I watched South Park. That was all PRETTY regular.

But today I read on Perez that Letterman was having McCain on his show. And since he got ditched before, I HAD to watch! So I had plans to eat dinner at 7pm. Then I had to get back to watch The Office from 9-9:30. Then SNL Weekend Update. Then I ended up watching some Tim Gunn show that is basically EXACTLY like What Not to Wear. At 11pm I had The Daily Show. But at 11:30 I had to watch The Late Show instead of Colbert. So at 12:30, when it was over, I watched Craig. Then at 1:30 I flipped back to get The Colbert Report.

I decided this was a sickness when I wanted to get my soda but couldn't find a time slot!!!!!

That being said, I think that debates supplimented with funny, lighthearted talk show interviews is a good (well better...) way to get information. I think it's because Letterman legitimately doesn't know a ton about politics and wants answers to real questions that he has. But also, McCain is less defensive.

If I had to rank the late night talk show talents, I would go with:
1) Tie between Colbert and Stewart (I could pick my fave daily but it definitely switches)
2) Ferguson
3) Letterman

I do really like Letterman though.

Also, if I were to add Ellen and The View (which I regularly watch clips of but can't catch because it's daytime), I would have to put... Ellen tied on top and The View tied with Ferguson.

By the way, why do I suddenly watch ALL talk shows (except The Office)? I'm worried about adding more shows, but I am kind of after It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and 30 Rock.

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