Thursday, December 18, 2008


Here's some more wonderful things!!

1) Last night I mentioned my blog to my roommate and she said she didn't want to see it because she thought it would be too happy and unrealistic... which I took as a huge compliment (even though that, in my opinion, isn't always true).

2) Finals are finished!! I REEEAAAALLY want my grades!! I finished my writing class like... a jillion years ago! I'll be patient... but.. not really!

3) Going home tomorrow!! I'm the most ready EVER! Except that I'm not sure which dvds I'm going to bring. I think I'm missing way more dvds than I thought because I'm missing a lot of dvd cases. I'll deal later but I need to rethink my loaning policy.

4) Also, Chords had one big heartattack about the songs we picked, which was pretty disheartening and also sad because there wasn't an easy solution, but now everyone is happy again! whooo!!!

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