Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Today I'm FOR REAL way happier and I'll tell you why!!!

1) I actually hung out with my mom today.

2)PLUS I got two new sweaters which is REALLY lucky because then I have something to wear for the Christmas Eve and Christmas AND the Christmas party that we had tonight. But if I only got ONE sweater, it would have been embarrassing because I would have to wear the same thing twice. Also my mom paid which is lucky... and even better was that they were only $16 each... so I didn't have to feel guilty.

3) Claire's party was great!! I love my friends soooo much!! AND they loved my costume which was that I was a British person on Christmas and I wore a sweater and a paper crown like the British do from their crackers! And we had a nice chat! And we played a fun game!! AND I got to meet Natalya's boyfriend, Mike, who was very cool.

4) Even though I found out yesterday, I got a B in producing... so this DOES happen to be my highest gpa semester so far (3 A-s and a B). WHICH is funny because... well I was perhaps my most scandalous this semester for reasons I shant divulge on this blog. If you're reading this... you probs know. Although... I don't think I've ever really done badly so... it's only a LITTLE higher... but still... it's funny.

ALSO, I finished Harry Potter 2 last night at 5am. I couldn't handle it. I woke up at 2:30pm today. Buuuuh...
ALSO, I drank 3 sodas today for the first time since Thanksgiving. I'm going to stop again after Christmas... but whatever.

Just sayin'... ain't no coincidence, I reckon!

1 comment:

Claire said...

Okay, so clearly I haven't been checking the blogs I read enough because I didn't read ANY of the past like four or five entries until just now. So. I'm REALLY glad the party was fun for you! I think it really was for everyone. And I did love your costume. And as a sidenote, my word verification for this is "bishers." I think that's really funny. Like "bitchers." Or something.