Friday, April 10, 2009

The Pessimistic Shoot

Ok, I'm not TRYING to be pessimistic, but I can't see how tomorrow could POSSIBLY go well. We're finally doing our shoot. So here is what I'm worried about, but all of these problems are unavoidable. (BTW, I reprimand myself for even MAKING such a negative list... but I am going to REALLY go on a campaign for more peace RIGHT AFTER APRIL 15!!! Seriously. It's going to be a whole new/old Blythe.)

That said, here are the issues: 
1. We are using actors I've never met. They could act too silly and take forever. They could be late. They could talk too much and take forever. Unfortunately, I do not HAVE forever. I have seven hours. 
2. What if we're missing a crucial prop. There is no way to know. I've gone through the script, obviously. 
3. Something might be wrong with the camera. If ANYTHING happens with the camera, DEATH. Impossible to know right now. 
4. I could fall asleep right now and not wake up on time to set everything up. Or not have done any of the script preparation. 
5. The mattress might not FIT through the doors to the basement. 
6. It might not work shooting in an area with only 2 walls. It might look like a studio shoot. 
7. More people could USE the basement than I think. What if someone comes down there every 10 minutes to bring a bike. I'll have to stop the camera each time. What if someone decides to do their laundry. Then I'm going to commit some homicide. 
8. I might get too nervous about time (like I did LAST TIME I directed) and forget to aim for quality and only shoot to get things done. For example, what if I forget to do transition shots, or decide to save them for when the actors are gone and then forget to do them after they leave because I'm so relieved. 
9. What if I don't sleep tonight and I end up really cranky tomorrow? That is CRAZY likely... except I bet I won't be so much cranky as sad or anxious. I'm going to try REALLY HARD to stay calm and act like everything is under control. 

OK. The positive part is that I'm EXPECTING so much to go wrong that... I HOPEFULLY be relatively prepared and calm. I can only prepare as best as I can... and then whatever happens happens. It's not going to be the end of the world. If everything in the WHOLE WORLD gets fucked up tomorrow, we'll just try again next weekend... even if our actors storm out saying that they are unprofessional and we wasted their time... we will have only wasted ONE DAY and we can get NEW ACTORS. PLUS this is great experience!!! AND I am already an experienced director, so I can remember the mistakes I made last time and try to avoid them. 

My final thought: I wouldn't waste a wish on it... but I kind of wish I could read, right now, my blog for tomorrow to find out how it will all go. Then my belly might feel less arrogant*. 

*I know that doesn't make sense in that context.... but it's the word that I need to use... and I don't feel like explaining why. 

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