Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Summer Needs

Can you even BELIEVE the summer is coming so quickly? My heart isn't EXACTLY aching with fear about what I'm going to do... but it KIIIIND of is. 

Here are the things I need/would like. Do NOT mistake this for a pessimistic list again. It's not.
1. A place to live. Surely this will happen. I'm semi-purposefully waiting because they prices are still only going to go down. 
2. An internship. This is what I think though. I can STILL get an internship over next year. My life isn't going to be OVER if I don't get one now. BUUUUT my plan still is to get one. I'm semi-hopeful. 
3. A job. Now, I haven't begun with the job search because I don't know when the internship will need me. 
4. A transition plan. I obviously can't decide what to do with my stuff until I know when I have to move and where I'm going to move to. 

I'm not saying I'm screwed. I KNOW something will work itself out. I just don't know how. 

In other non-news, I watched all of the commentary available to The Office, season two. BRILLIANT commentary. MUCH better than Friends, which never has any of the cast. In The Office, several members of the cast and a writer and maybe a producer do the commentary. I really love watching commentary, but it's bittersweet because I ALWAYS feel simultaneously extremely pleasured AND creepy and weird. I'm not sure I can pinpoint the reason for the weird feeling but it's along the lines of being obsessed with something enough that you're watching the commentary. It's weird falling under that category of not only loving the art, but loving the people that created the art... which is what crazy people do. AND what I do. 

The bigger issue is that... I'm trying to decide how I can convince myself that it's OK to buy the other seasons so that I can watch THOSE commentaries. My SECRET SECRET SECRET desire that netflix will stop allowing me to watch the episodes for free on my computer so that it will be more reasonable for me to buy the seasons. 

God, I judge myself so much. 

Also, I'm becoming increasingly aware that all I ever have to talk about is school work and my relationships with fictional and famous people. I know if I keep talking about The Office and Bob Dylan, no one will want to talk to me anymore. But I love them. 

1 comment:

devon said...

I WILL ALWAYS WANT TO TALK TO YOU, ESPECIALLY IF YOU KEEP TALKING ABOUT BOB DYLAN (also i'm reading the book on my plane rides this weekend....so we can obsess together next week)