Monday, November 17, 2008

The Library Plan and More

Interesting day today.
I woke up bright and early to go to work. They made me go to the library to get some articles... and I gotta say, I think the library is TERRIBLY unpleasant! It's soooo stale and quiet and FULLY of unhappiness. I would like a fiction, biography (auto and regs), children's book and coloring book library. I feel like that would be a happy place! I'm not saying rows and rows of journals that look EXACTLY the same aren't fun for SOME people.. but my library, I believe, would have more mass appeal.

ANYWAY, I finish work. Go to class at 11 and my friend Stephanie, who is in 3 of my classes was freaking out about work for our class on Wednesday. Whatever whatever. After class at 12:30, we go up into the editing room. Then I go back to SED to return the calling card. Minutes after I get back to the editing room, Stephanie tells/reminds me that that class that she was freaking out about had this huge thing due at SIX TONIGHT!! So I almost had a heartattack and left right away. It was REALLY embarrassing and I was ashamed that I forgot-- it was written and circled ALL OVER my notebook! BUUUT I think I did fine. It was supposed to be a rough draft but we're having meetings and everything about this thing so it was huge. BUUUT when you're THAT nervous, you can get some AMAZING things done. Unfortunately I had to skip anthro AGAIN! NOT good news. Whatever.

After I finish my producing thing and turn it in, I go back to editing at about 6pm. We end up editing HARD CORE until EXACTLY nine when we had to finish up. Even though we really were on the edge and I know III was about to slap a bitch, we ended up making something PRETTY awesome! ESPECIALLY since we did it in just two weeks! PLUS it was the perfect time! When you edit, you LITERALLY watch the same shit like A JILLION times.. but it's funny because you'd think things would stop having meaning to you, and I think they have MORE! Like, every time I watched this certain scene, I got scared EVERY TIME! And on our old ones, funny things happen and I literally laugh out loud EVERY TIME! It's quite a mystery.

SO THE GOOD NEWS is that I no longer have to do my producing work (since I pounded it out today). SO, I only HAVE to do my script tomorrow... although I also REALLY need to start doing that damn anthro paper... due Friday.

BUUUUT here is some MORE good news.
1) I have officially watched every episode of 30 Rock!
2) I have nearly finished my stew. I have about one bowl left. I think my next meal adventure shall be calzones. They seem to last Katherine a long time.
3) Also, since I've decided that I have no money, I'm pretty sure I spent $100. So ... I have a problem. And about $50.

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