Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Day

GLORIOUS Thanksgiving!

So I stayed up until about 5am, probs because of my 15 hour sleep the night before, and also because I LOVE IT, last night. So I woke up to my mom calling this afternoon at about 1:30pm. So I had a nice chat with my mom, my sister, Ernie, and my brother, who's first words to me were "the Phillies won the world series." Then he told me how they went to the Phillies parade on Halloween. I was like "How could that POSSIBLY be the first thing to come to your mind when you talk to me?" It was a month ago, it's Thanksgiving, and there is no reason why the thought of me would trigger the thought of baseball. But whatever. Then I asked him what grade he was in and he told me SEVENTH!!!! And I was like WTF!?? THAT CAN'T BE!!!
Turns out it really can't be. He's in 5th grade. But he didn't miss a beat when he told me so I really was fooled!!!

As I was talking to my mom, my grandpa called. So I called my grandpa back and spilled the beans about my painting for him. Then he told me about a wonderful movie that he said was really good and he thought I would really relate to the character. The movie is called Happy-Go-Lucky and it turns out it is still in theaters.

So after I talked to him it was about 3:45pm-ish. I took a REALLY long shower (singing a shit-ton of tunes), ate a TON of stovetop stuffing and a tuna bagel sandwich, watched an episode of Punk'd, and found a theater that was showing Happy-Go-Lucky.

The closest theater was the Kendal Square Cinema, which I've never been to and involved some very shady directions (walk through the lobby of the Marriot... I was like '...really?'). Also, I really wanted to watch the whole episode of Punk'd, which would go until 5pm, but I was afraid I was going to be late for the 6:30 movie if I didn't leave at 4:30. OBVIOUSLY that was retarded and even though I left at 5 because I NEEDED to know how Brittany Snow was going to react, I still got there 40 minutes early. I never mind because I bring my iPod and a book everywhere, but I have to reflect on how retarded I am with time.

So the movie was EXCELLENT!!!! I loved it SOOOO much!!! The thing about independent movies is that they are SOOOO FULL of PASSION!! They usually reflect a story about a person whose story NEEDS to be told, and the people who made it spent a JILLION dollars of their own funding because the story was THAT important to them!! But it was just about this woman that ... was so happy and cheerful and lighthearted and understanding amongst all the people around her. I was so flattered that my grandpa thought of me when he watched the movie because it's the kind of attitude that I definitely aspire to have!

Also, I LOOOOOOVE movies! I LOVE them!!! After the movie I was in that characters place... and I wanted to walk briskly and bravely home and admire and appreciate everything around me and befriend strangers and be happy and dance-y!
I think they should have a movie therapy. Like, the therapist listens to your problems and what's up with you and then they pick movies that they think will give you perspective or hope or whatever you need... like ... 3 times a week you just sit in a little 12 seat cinema room and watch and then discuss it! It would be way more than an hour per session, but III think it would be great!

Anyway, after the movie, some guy on a bike wished me a happy Thanksgiving! And then I got a 12-pack of coke and some Pirouette hazelnut/chocolate cookie things. And now I'm enjoying myself.

Tomorrow I think I'm going to see Milk (FUCK YEAH!!) and maybe I'll go to the park and read some scripts. Beautiful.

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