Saturday, November 15, 2008


I woke up this morning (afternoon...), did a little work, and then realized I was STARVING. BUUUUT I don't want to spend all my money! I'M VERY NERVOUS ABOUT THE MONEY!

So I decide that I REALLY want some stew and that I'm going to make stew for the whole week. So I called my mom, got the ingredients, and made my stew! Interestingly, my smoke detecter went off TWICE... the irony is very evident to anyone who's been in my room.... So THAT was annoying. ANYWAY, it turned out meh... but HOPEFULLY I'll be able to live off of it for a few days! It takes NOTHING like my mom's though.

In other news, I ran by the Christmas computer plan with the madge. Last night my computer shut off MINUTES after I restarted it. ROUGH. Anyway, mom told me to pick out exactly what I need so we can know how much to beg for. So I have to look for a computer and all the add-ons to tell the relatives. I'm pretty sure I WILL get a mac because... that's what communications people use AND I actually have $181 in iStore money.

ALSO, our Chordially Theirs concert was last night. It was a nice time! Afterwards, I hung out with Matt and Elena, which was long overdue.
ALSO, my mom wants everyone to know that the reason I'm not going home for Thanksgiving is NOT because of the money... because today she offered to pay for me to come home. That IS true... (if I sounded sarcastic)... it's a combination of it not being WORTH the money because my family doesn't make a HUGE deal out of Thanksgiving, and the travel time is about 20 hours.. which isn't really worth it. ANYWAY, my step-dad suggested that I had an ulterior motive for staying home-- although I really dont' know what it could be. I don't want to get really annoying about it... but... UGH! Honestly, not having to see HIM for 4 days is a legitimate ENOUGH reason to not go home... it's lucky that it's about the money.

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