Thursday, February 26, 2009

Kitty the Bunny

Sonya got a BUNNY!!! Her name is Kitty (it already had the name)!!! I'll put up pictures when I get home. I was hesitant to write it on this blog because we're not really supposed to have animals in the apartments... but a) I HIGHLY doubt that anyone from housing is going to see this... and b) if any future employers read my blog (which I also highly HIGHLY doubt), then this particular activity doesn't defame my character. 

I'm super pleased though because bunnies are WAY COOLER than the fish I flirted with getting. Although I haven't held the bunny yet because we're still letting it get used to the place. Although she's not that afraid of people... as far as bunnies go. 

On another note, I'm officially REALLY nervous about my video production story!! It's going to be about 15 minutes long (which is LONG), AAAAAAAAAAND we're hiring REAL ACTORS!! Like... STRANGERS! Like... adult characters will be played by ACTUAL adults! They work for free so hey can have stuff on their resume. And III'M directing!! I'M bossing around said adults!!! Isn't that INSANE?? AAAAAND we might decide to do it in the studio... which means we will be building SETS!! For something that someone is going to put on their ACTING RESUME!!! And IIII'M WRITING AND DIRECTING IT!!!

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