Thursday, February 19, 2009

New Computer and Words from Obama

GOT MY NEW COMPUTER! (how guilty do I feel after my last post? enough.)

BUUUT before it's really any use to me, I have to figure out if I can download celtx for screenwriting because otherwise I'm going to have to buy a screenwriting program. They are like... a hundred dollars. Also, I had trouble downloading a free version of finale notepad when I was at home.. but I really need that so I can arrange the Britney medley. Also, my ethernet cord kind of broke so it keeps slipping out of the computer (it broke like.. 2 days ago). 

Buuuuut I DO have all of my pictures and music on the computer. 

It is KIND of frustrating having a new computer. I'm not TRYING to complain and I'm sure I'll be really happy... and really, the other one is dead... but I miss it. Sometimes I say mantras to myself to give myself a more clear idea of how I want to react to situations (whatever.. I do) and on the one hand, I never want to be archaic because... rejecting something because it's new or goes against what you previously believed without giving it a go is, in my opinion, foolish and stubborn. On the other hand, you should also respect and appreciate what you have. I think these are great mantras... but they are also the reason why I'm a little mournful about my new computer... and I can't bring myself to get new shoes... and yet I feel guilty for both of these things!
(I really AM glad I have a new computer. It IS exciting. I'm sorry I'm whining.)

In other news though!! I was at work today and:
1. My boss handed me like a JILLION papers, which I assumed I would have to organize or something... but ACTUALLY I got to SHRED THEM!!! That's like... the most fun you can ever have with paper!!
2. This old guy that works there (School of Education), who I THINK is pretty fun (probably because he has EINSTEIN HAIR), saw me wearing my super-'bama t-shirt and told me that he worked for this guy (who he never actually saw) and he ended up calling the guy about something and another guy picked up and told him that said guy had been appointed as something something whatever official white house something. So this Einstein guy was like "that's great." And the man on the phone goes "you might be interested in the note Obama wrote him."
"Your portfolio says hope and change. Those are the ideas I ran on. Don't fuck up."


1 comment:

Claire said...

I guarantee that after you get used to your Mac, you will love it a MILLION times more than your Dell. Like, seriously, I hate my Dell even more now that i've experienced the wonderfulness of my Mac. I can't imagine ever going back to a PC (or at least not a Dell, because I really haven't experienced better PCs). It just takes a little getting used to. But it is SUCH a good computer.